Campus Hearing Board
The student, or Respondent, will receive a letter requesting to meet with a Pre-hearing officer. The Respondent must then schedule to meet within three (3) business days of the date on the letter. Included in the letter will be additional information regarding The Options for Resolution and the Code of Conduct.
If the student does not schedule a Pre-Hearing Interview by the deadline, the case will be forwarded to the Campus Hearing Board for adjudication.
The Pre-Hearing officer will review:
- The alleged code violation charges.
- The Respondent conduct process and procedures.
- Incident report.
- Potential outcomes.
- Resolution options and the Respondent will enter a plea.
- Any questions the Respondent may have.
The Pre-Hearing officer does not determine whether the Respondent is responsible for the code violation. The Respondent has the opportunity to consider all of the information presented before entering a plea.
If the Respondent enters a plea of Responsible or Responsible with an explanation, and they accept the sanctions, the Pre-Hearing officer assigns the recommended sanctions for completion.
If the Respondent does not accept the sanctions or enters a plea of Not Responsible or No Plea, the case is forwarded to the Campus Hearing Board for adjudication.
- The Respondent will be asked to enter his/her plea for each alleged code violation.
- The Complainant and Respondent will have the opportunity to provide a statement defending their case using evidence, witness and/or testimony to support their case.
- The Complainant and Respondent will be asked questions by the hearing panelists and each other.
- The panelists will review the facts in question utilizing a preponderance of the evidence standard, render a decision and recommend sanctions to be reviewed by the Office of Student Conduct. The Respondent will notified of the outcome of the hearing within seven (7) business days.
If the Respondent is found Not Responsible, no sanctions are imposed. In some cases, the Complainant has the right to appeal a Not Responsible finding by the Campus Hearing Board.
If the Responsible is found Responsible, sanctions are assigned by the Campus Hearing Board.
Need to submit evidence or have a witness submit their statement?
A decision can be appealed, in writing, within seven (7) business days of the hearing outcome notification to the appropriate option for appeals if (1) there was a procedural irregularity or substantive error that affected the outcome of the matter.; Deviations from the University’s policy and procedures will not be a basis for sustaining an appeal unless significant prejudice resulted, (2) new evidence that could affect the outcome of the matter that was not reasonably available at the time the determination regarding responsibility or dismissal was made, or (3) the sanction(s) imposed were substantially disproportionate or not appropriate in light of the violation(s).
Directions to submit your appeal are included in your outcome letter. Please do not submit your appeal via email.
Who is on the Campus Hearing Board?
The Campus Hearing Board (CHB) is made up of faculty, staff, and students that have been trained to evaluate and make decisions on cases that go before the board. Interested in joining? Contact
Campus Hearing Board Procedure for Students
In addition to those listed below, outcomes may be applied as deemed appropriate. Minimum outcomes are intended to serve as a guideline, and may be adjusted according to specific situations and circumstances. Misconduct that is motivated by discriminatory intent may result in the imposition of a more serious sanction.
All violations of the Campus Conduct Code have minimum and maximum outcomes.
The minimum outcome that are given to students who violate the Campus Code of Conduct are determined by the type and severity of the violation.
The maximum outcome for all violations of the Campus Conduct Code is Expulsion.
This action is a formal written notice on behalf of the University and will clearly document the conduct that was questionable. A written warning does not preclude the possibility of a more severe disciplinary outcome in the event of future violations.
This action constitutes a change in status between good standing and suspension or expulsion from the University. Other restrictions or conditions of the probationary period may apply and will be stated in the sanction letter. The student is permitted to remain enrolled at the University under stated conditions, depending upon the nature of the violation and upon the potential learning value that may derive from specific restrictive measures. Restrictions of the probation may include restriction from residence halls or university activities during the stated period and will be stated in the outcome letter (see Other Restrictions below). Further violations may result in interim suspension, suspension or expulsion from the University.
A workshop, typically offered on campus, which provides an opportunity for the student to learn and reflect on their behaviors. Educational assignments are specific to an individual case and are determined based on relevance to the violating behavior. Examples of educational assignments include, but are not limited to: community service, alcohol and drug programs, and decision making workshops.
Performance of useful duties that benefit the community in general. Students will work directly with the Office of Service Learning to establish their service learning project, register the hours, and complete this sanction.
Reimbursement for damage to or theft of property. Reimbursement may take the form of appropriate service to repair damages, payment to compensate for damages or replacement. Restitution may not be made to the University on behalf of the respondent utilizing any refund directly from federal or state financial aid grants or loans to the complainant or University.
Sum of money to be paid as the direct result of a violation of the Campus Code of Conduct. Fines may not be paid to the University on behalf of the respondent utilizing any refund directly from federal or state financial aid grants or loans to the Complainant or University.
Student loses the privilege to visit all Ä¢¹½¶ÌÊÓƵ facilities.