An override is a special permission granted to register for a course that is usually only given for the reasons listed below. There may be circumstances other than those listed that will be reviewed on a case-by-case
basis. Overrides are granted in the order in which they are received and will be handled
within a 24 hour period.
An override for courses with acronyms BIOL, CHEM, ENVL, GEOL, MARS, MATH, PHYS, SUST, DSSA, PSM, or CZMT can be requested
through the Override Form below.
- Overrides are not blanket waivers, they are specific to an academic year, semester, course, and section.
- You can only register for a section that you requested. If the section closes or if
you want to choose a different section, you will need to submit a new request.
- Please ensure you are using the CRN relevant to the academic semester you are requesting
- Spring starts with a "2"
- Summer starts with a "5"
- Fall starts with an "8"
You may request an override if:
- You are still waiting for transfer credits or test scores that satisfy prerequisite
requirements to be applied to your ĢƵ Degree Works.
- You are in the process of taking a prerequisite course at another institution.
- You have previously attempted a course with a corequisite where you received the required
passing grade in one course but did not receive the required passing grade or withdrew
from the other.
- You need to withdraw from a course that has a co-requisite course.
Please note:
- An override will not hold a seat in a course. If the section you request is filled at time of your registration,
you will need to find an open section and submit another override request.
- You do not need an override to get into a course that requires the course you are currently taking
as the prerequisite at ĢƵ. The system will recognize that you are fulfilling
the requirement here. However, if you are taking a prerequisite at another insitution,
you will need to request an override if the official transcript has not been sent
at time of registration.
Exceeds Number of Attempts
You are
allowed up to two attempts at a course without requiring an override. Consideration for a third attempt courses
PSM requires the to be completed,
as well as an email documenting why you have exceeded the number of attempts, what you will do
differently with this attempt, and the rationale on the need to repeat. The email
should be sent to the Assistant Dean at who will work with the respective program to determine if an override will be granted.
Closed courses/Waitlist
If you are unable to register for a course section because it is full, you can sign
up for the waitlist. To get on the waitlist, you will select “
Waitlist” in the Action category in your summary and hit
- You do not need an override to go onto a waitlist if you meet all the prerequisites,
even if you are currently in a prerequisite course. If you are still having an issue,
you can submit an override request so we could determine what registration issue you
may be experiencing.
- Waitlists do not exist for lectures with a co-requisite labs.
Should a seat become available anytime between when you waitlist and the end of the
Add/Drop (5-day period starting with the first day of school), you will receive an
- You will have up to 48 hours to act upon the notification (reduced to 24 hours during
Add/Drop week). If you do not act within the time allotted, your seat will be forfeited, and the
waitlist will move on to the next person.
- If you miss this waitlist, we cannot put you back in above another student. You will have to add yourself back to the bottom
of the waitlist.
Co-RequisiteCourse required to be taken concurrently with another course. You
do not have to register for the same professor for lecture and lab. You must have both the
open lecture and lab added to the summary of courses
prior to clicking submit to avoid a registration error.
**Waitlists do not exist for lectures with a co-requisite lab. Instead, you must put yourself on a lab waitlist. If a waitlist notification email
is received, you may then enroll in the lab and any open lecture. You may also request
an override to take one corequisite without the other
ONLY IF it had been taken previously and received required passing grade at ĢƵ or .
If you face an issue claiming the waitlist seat offered to you, contact the
NAMS Office or
Registrar Office before the waitlist notification expires.
POI Permission of Instructor
The student is required to reach out to the instructor to get permission to take the
course. The instructor will provide the override required to register for the course.
Course required to be completed before enrollment of a course. Click on the course
ID in your Degree Works to find pre-requisite information for a specific course.
Test Score Error
Missing or incorrect score required to take a course (e.g., SAT, ACT, or Accuplacer,
transfer course equivalency). Information about test scores/math placement can be
found on the.
Course Restriction
Some courses may be restricted to certain majors, programs, or class levels.
Course Registration Number (CRN)
A 5-digit unique code is assigned to a specific section of a course by term/year.