Guide To Residential Life: Residential Life Procedures

Housing Eligibility

To be eligible for on-campus housing, students must be matriculated, registered for 12 or more credits, and must meet all health immunization requirements. Students may also live in housing if they are accepted into the Pathways program. Students applying for housing during the summer (May through August), must be a current ĢƵ student in good standing. Affiliates applying for housing during the summer (May through August), must provide supporting documentation which includes health immunization documentation. More information will be available in the Residential Agreement for affiliate summer housing. Any student who falls below the 12-credit threshold must contact the Executive Director of Residential Life or their designee at 609-652-4332.


Requests for Information

All requests for information from current and former students must be made in writing and sent to Housing@ĢƵ.Edu.  Emails must come from a ĢƵ.Edu email address, or have the signature and Z number of the student.  


Spouse, Domestic Partner, Family Housing

Family housing will be offered in Galloway residential housing or the Atlantic City residential complex. More information will be available in the Residential Agreement for family housing.


Immunization Requirements

All new residential students are required to present proof of immunization required by the Health Services Office at ĢƵ. Documentation must be provided to the Office of Health Services. For details on this and other immunization requirements, see their website. Failure to supply forms by designated deadlines will impact a student’s ability to check in to the residence halls.


Property Insurance

For the protection of personal belongings, students are encouraged to maintain insurance on any items brought to campus. The Office of Residential Life is not liable for damage to or loss of personal property, or failure or interruption of services in the facilities. The University is insured under the State of New Jersey. Neither the University nor the State insurance will reimburse for losses created by theft, fire, water damage, mold, unforeseen accidents and/ or injuries, or other circumstances that may occur. Residents are encouraged to secure their own personal property loss insurance. The following suggestions may help you secure property insurance.

  1. If you are a dependent, check with your parent’s or guardian’s insurance company (homeowner’s insurance or renter’s insurance) to see if your personal property can be included on their current plan while you are at school.
  2. Compare insurance companies that provide students personal property insurance plans. Ask if the insurance plan includes replacement cost value or only actual cost value including depreciation.

Ferpa Waiver Authorization

Students are protected by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), a federal law that protects any student attending a postsecondary institution from having their education records, records amended, or disclosure of personally identifiable information given out. When a student reaches 18 years of age or attends a postsecondary institution, he or she becomes an “eligible student” under FERPA and all rights formerly given to parents transfer to the student. Additional information about FERPA.

If a residential student determines that they would like to grant or revoke access to their Educational Record, the Office of Residential Life, Residential Student Record Waiver Form can be requested . This document, is distributed by the Office of Residential Life upon request, only covers that information related to Residential Life and no other campus departments.

Housing Application Process

The staff in Residential Life work diligently to see that on-campus living provides a positive experience for each student. We want your residence area to become an experience you can look back on and realize how much you have learned and grown. A residence hall experience should provide a sense of community, friendship, growth, learning outside the classroom, leadership opportunities and engagement. The goal of assigning freshmen and transfer students is to match roommates and then place them in a housing assignment. Room location and roommate preferences are dependent upon space and cannot be guaranteed.

Students who are assigned to a nine-month residential contract and wish to change to a 12-month residential contract may do so under certain circumstances. The 12-month contract option is in Galloway and Atlantic City. Students will have the cost of their winter housing placed on their bill in October, and the cost of their summer housing will be placed on their bill in March. Consultation with a representative of the Office of Residential Life is required, and a modification may not be authorized. If changes are requested during the spring semester of the existing contract, summer housing options may be offered in lieu of a 12-month housing contract.

During the year, vacant spaces may exist within rooms. Any resident must be prepared to receive a roommate at any time. This means keeping your belongings in only one portion of the room so that the new roommate has space for their possessions and will feel welcomed. Residential Life staff will inspect vacant spaces on a regular basis to ensure the vacant space is kept clean. Inappropriate use of vacant space will be addressed by Residential Life staff members and may be referred to the conduct process. Please note that the Office of Residential Life will make every effort to notify you and other roommates when we will be filling a vacancy. In some instances, the student(s) may not be notified in advance if the situation warrants an immediate move. This type of situation is unusual, but does occur. The room must be maintained at all times in a manner that would make it possible for another student to feel comfortable moving in. It is each student’s responsibility to ensure that all original University property is present in the room (e.g. beds, dressers, desks, etc.) and that all University space (closet, bed, desk, dresser) is available.


The resident must not discourage students seeking a room change from moving into the vacancy. If the resident fails to participate in the consolidation process, the resident will be subject to judicial action and the student account will be put on hold for failing to comply with the consolidation standards. The room charge will be changed and prorated daily according to the date of the room change.

The Office of Residential Life reserves the right to change assignments in order to provide for maximum occupancy and utilization of space. Residents living in double, triple or quad housing situations that are not fully occupied (under-assigned rooms) will be subject to room consolidation. Consolidation exists to bring equity between the residents. Residents in those rooms may be contacted to choose between the following options:

  1. Have another resident(s) move into their room to fill all spaces
  2. Move to another space to fill a room.

The University reserves all rights in regard to the assignment, reassignment or over- assignment of any room or the termination of its occupancy. The University also reserves the right to reassign a resident to another room/apartment for renovations, repairs or health and safety issues. In the event of an emergency, a resident may be moved without prior notice. All empty spaces must be available for new and transferring residents at all times. Residential Life will determine moves. Failure to consolidate properly may result in disciplinary action.

Students should refer to the Residential Life contract section 39 for details about cancelling their housing and any fees that may be associated with cancelling the housing contract. 

Refusal to Enter Agreement

The University reserves the right to refuse housing to any individual whose presence may not be in the best interest of the community. Residents are expected to consistently demonstrate a willingness and ability to maintain reasonable roommate and community relationships. Failure to abide by community standards may result in the termination of this contract.

Prior to arriving on campus, new students are assigned to a specific room with a roommate (when applicable). Upon arrival and check-in with the Office of Residential Life, new students are:

  • Issued student identification cards
    • Returning students must bring their student I.D. to be activated
  • Given access to their rooms
  • Given important residential information.

A Residence Life staff member will have reviewed the condition of all rooms prior to move-in. It is each student’s responsibility to review the condition of their room as well. If there are any issues with the student’s space, they must contact Residential Life via email within 72 hours of moving in. If the condition of your room has changed during your stay, you will be assessed a fee for the repair or replacement of items which may have been damaged or are missing from the room. Once again, it is very important for students to review the condition of the room carefully upon their arrival. Throughout the semester, all repairs should be documented by submitting a work order.

When students move out of any residential facilities, students are responsible for the condition of the room at the time of check-out and are bound by the terms of the housing contract.

In addition, students are responsible for returning their key/fob (if applicable) to the Office of Residential Life. It is important that you follow the check-out procedures below to decrease the possibility of incurring charges.

  • All residential students must vacate their housing assignments by 10:00 a.m. the day after the last day of finals.
  • There will be an administrative processing charge for those residents who do not remove their belongings and return their keys/fobs (if applicable) on or before the prescribed check-out date.
  • All residents are responsible for the state of a room/apartment when they leave. All trash should be removed. The residence should be in excellent condition with all required University furniture in original place.
  • A $50 Improper Check-out Charge may be applied for the following reasons:
  • Failure to check out on time.
  • Failure to remove all possessions from the residence by check-out.
  • Other charges may be applied, e.g., room key not returned; extra cleaning required; room/apartment damages according to cost of repairs.

Students will be notified of any damage charges by June 25th via their goĢƵ email address. The student will have 12 business days to appeal the damage charge. Instructions on how to appeal the damage charge will be included in the letter they receive.

If a student leaves belongings in their room upon check-out, these objects will be assumed to be abandoned and may be discarded. This standard is in effect if a student is removed from or leaves housing willingly, regardless of whether or not they have checked out properly. If a student leaves a large amount of property in their room, every effort will be made to contact the student. If the student does not claim the property within 48 hours of being contacted, the belongings may be discarded. The student will be responsible for all moving and disposal fees.

Break Housing - Winter

Students are permitted to stay over winter break if approved.  Residential students who have not signed up for a 12-month housing contract, must:

  • Apply online
  • Sign a Residential Life Agreement,
  • Be approved by the Office Of Residential Life

Residents requesting to stay during this time will be subject to a daily rate. The Office Of Residential Life will email information on closing the residence halls, late departure, and winter/summer housing sessions approximately one month before closing. No overnight guests are allowed during winter or spring breaks and meal plan options are not available. Meals can be purchased with cash and facilities will operate on a limited schedule.  Students staying in Housing 2, and 3 will have access to the TLRC kitchen to cook for themselves over the break. Shuttle services may be unavailable or operate on a limited schedule. Students who are seeking a room change during winter break may need to remove their items at the conclusion of the fall seemester.

Break Housing - Thanksgiving / Spring Break

Students are not required to move for Thanksgiving or Spring Break and there is no additional cost to remain on campus during this time. However, students must register with the Office of Residential Life to stay in housing over these periods of time. Meal Plan and transportation options are not available over Thanksgiving and Spring Breaks. Meals can be purchased with cash and facilities will operate on a limited schedule. Shuttle services are not available over Thanksgiving and Spring Breaks. 

Key / ID Card Information

All residents are issued either a key and/or ID card to access their room, suite or apartment. Residents are expected to keep doors to rooms, apartments and suites closed and locked at all times. They are also expected to always carry their Student ID and room key (if issued). Residents who give their keys and/or Student ID cards to anyone, including their guests, are subject to disciplinary action and a fine. These items are non-transferable.

Residential Areas – Exterior doors and some interior doors have keyless entry. The student’s ID card is programmed upon check-in to operate the exterior door. Depending on whether the interior door lock is keyless or key required, some students will receive a key for their suite door.

Apartments – All apartments have keyless entry into their exterior and/or suite door. Upon check-in, the student’s ID card is programmed for access.

Students are required to carry their ĢƵ Identification Card (ID) at all times and to present their ID card when requested by authorized campus personnel, which include but are not limited to: staff members of the Office of Residential Life, Food Service, Student Development, Bookstore, Library, Athletics, Wellness Center, Office of the Dean of Students, Campus Police, Financial Aid, Registrar and Bursar’s Office. Students living on campus must swipe their ID upon entrance into a building at all times.

ID cards must only be in the possession of the student whose name appears on the card.

Any alteration or illegal use of ĢƵ identification cards is prohibited.

Lost or stolen ID cards must be reported through GetFood and then to the Office of Student Records (CC-203) to obtain a new ID card. Students must immediately report lost or stolen ID cards by logging onto  GetFood, also found on the goĢƵ portal Student Life tab. Once a card is reported lost or stolen, a new ĢƵ ID will be generated automatically and the old ID will no longer be valid. During regular business hours, students must pay a $25.00 replacement fee at the Bursar’s Office before obtaining a new ID from the Office of the Registrar. Once this ID is received, the student must report to their corresponding Residential Life Office to have their card encoded for their housing assignment. The new ID card will not be activated until the student returns to the Residential Life office.

In the event that student is unable to access their room because of a lost or stolen ID/hard key, the student should visit the Office of Residential Life, RA Office, or contact Campus Police depending on the time of day.

All students seeking assistance with a lock-out will be charged a fine. The first incident will be a warning, the second incident will accrue a $5 charge, the third incident will accrue a $10 charge. Any additional offenses will result in an a fee of $25.

Authorized University personnel have a master key or access card for residential areas so that the University may enter residences for the following reasons:

  • Emergencies
  • Fire drills
  • Occupancy and probation inspections
  • General repairs
  • Delivery of official Residential Life correspondence
  • Suspected violation of University standards
  • Alleviation of persistent noise

Students shall not place any additional locks on said premises. Housing keys are the property of the State of New Jersey. The University and the Office of Residential Life reserve the right to enter all apartments, suites and rooms with or without the resident’s permission.

Pets on University Property

Students are advised to refer to the University’s Policy and Procedures website and its Pets on University Property policy.

Service Animals

A service animal is defined as a dog that has been trained to do work or perform tasks for an individual with a disability, including a physical, sensory, psychiatric, intellectual or other mental disability. The task(s) performed by the service animal must be directly related to the person’s disability. Species other than dogs are not considered service animals for the purpose of this definition of a service animal.

It is best practice to notify the Learning Access Program at 609-652-4988 that a partner/ handler or individual with a disability will be bringing a service animal to campus. The Learning Access Program can advocate with Residential Life should any situations occur in response to the service animal. If residing on campus it is requested that vaccination records be submitted to the Learning Access Program.

To request an emotional support animal, a student must register with the Learning Access Program as a student with a diagnosed disability and submit accommodated housing and ESA request forms completed by a licensed medical practitioner. For additional information regarding emotional support animals, please contact the Learning Access Program at 609- 652-4988.


The University provides no storage space for students outside of assigned rooms, apartments or suites. Students cannot use the common areas, custodial closets, outdoor stairwells or electrical closets for the storage of any personal property. ĢƵ shall not be responsible for any loss resulting from the disposition of any property found in these areas.

Storm Sewers / Beach

No person shall spill, dump or dispose of materials other than storm water into the University’s storm sewer system or in the ocean or on beaches. No person shall discharge or cause to discharge through illicit connection to the University’s storm sewer system any domestic sewage, non-contact cooling water, process wastewater or other industrial waste.


The State Fire Marshall prohibits the use of any live trees within residential areas owned and/ or leased by the State of New Jersey. Artificial holiday trees are not permitted in the Residential Life areas. The Office of Residential Life reserves the right to deny or remove artificial trees when necessary for safety reasons.  All windows, doors, doorways and vents must remain accessible and unobstructed at all times. It is considered a violation of both the furniture policy standard and fire safety regulations if these areas are inaccessible or obstructed. Any live trees discovered in rooms and/or apartments will be removed immediately.

Unmanned Aircraft Systems / Drones

All students are prohibited from the use of Unmanned Aircraft System, (UAS), also known as drones in and around any Residential Life area in order to provide a safe environment for students. Any University employee, or student planning to operate an UAS as part of their University employment or used in support of research, teaching or testing as part of a University program near any Residential Life area must first contact the Executive Director for Residential Life or their designee for approval.


No person shall feed any unconfined wildlife located on University property, except when such wildlife is part of approved academic research. Feeding does not include baiting when performed by persons fishing with licenses. No hunting of any kind is permitted on campus. Feeding occurs when one gives, places, exposes, deposits, distributes or scatters a material with the intention of feeding, attracting or enticing wildlife.

Weapon Standards

ĢƵ prohibits the use or possession of any weapons as defined in N.J.S.A. 2C:39-1 in all campus buildings and on all University properties and at all University sponsored events. The prohibition of the use and possession of weapons as defined below applies to students, employees, independent contractors and visitors/members of the public, including those who have a valid permit to carry a concealed weapon. Violators may be removed from campus, arrested, expelled, suspended, placed on probation or given a lesser sanction for good cause consistent with due process. Individuals shall be held accountable through the criminal justice system and/or the Campus Hearing Board. The prohibition may not apply to authorized law enforcement personnel pursuant to N.J.S.A. 2C:39-6, if an exemption applies to carry a weapon on campus.

All state and federal statutes and local ordinances regarding the possession of firearms and weapons, including imitation firearms, both legal and illegal apply on all University property and at University-sponsored events and any applicable statutes, laws, regulations and ordinances are hereby incorporated by reference as is set forth here at length. Under New Jersey statutes, weapons mean, “Anything readily capable of lethal use or of inflicting serious bodily injury.” The term includes, but is not limited to: air guns, spring guns or pistols or weapons of a similar nature in which the propelling force is from an elastic band, carbon dioxide, compressed or other gas or vapor, air or compressed air or ignited by compressed air and ejecting a bullet or missile, knives, clubs, night sticks, metal knuckles, firearm silencers, electrical weapon (i.e. Taser),  armor piercing ammunition, zip guns, chemical substances, i.e. pepper spray over 3/4 oz. (See N.J.S.A.2C:39-6(i) setting out permissible conditions for carrying chemical substances for personal self-defense.)

Advertising / Marketing

All signs in residential areas advertising meetings and events, whether for on or off-campus, must be approved for posting by the Office of Event Services and Campus Center Operations and the  Executive Director of Residential Life. Once approved, advertisements may go on the bulletin boards in Housing 4 and 5 and on the bulletin boards on each floor in Housing 2 and 3 and designated posting areas in Chris Gaupp Property and the Atlantic City Residential Complex. Those organizations posting advertisements in unauthorized areas or without endorsement from the Office of Residential Life and/or Event Services are subject to disciplinary action and/or criminal prosecution.

Bulletin Boards

The bulletin boards in each community are for use by the Office of Residential Life staff and will be used for approved communication and notices only. It is to your benefit to ascertain that these notices remain posted. Removal of information on bulletin boards is considered vandalism and is subject to disciplinary action.

Cooking / Grilling Outside

Cooking/grilling outside is not permitted except on University equipment with prior approval. Individuals may request use of barbecue grills located outside the Townsend Residential Life Center and Lodge at Lakeside, but must obtain a fire permit from the Office of Safety and Compliance and complete an application for use of University Facilities with the Office of Event Services and Campus Center Operations, No fire permits will be issued for the Atlantic City Residence hall.

Games and Sports Equipment

Board games and sports equipment are available for sign out at the Resident Assistant office. Residents will be held financially accountable for unreturned or damaged equipment.

Laundry Facilities

Free laundry facilities located in close proximity to residential complexes are available 24 hours a day for exclusive use by residential students. Machines are operated by using a student ID card. allows students to monitor laundry rooms from any computer on campus for machine availability, to receive reports of best time to access machines, to report problems and to register for text messaging when your laundry is finished. Laundry facilities are located in the following areas:

  • Housing 1, E Court-Room15
  • Housing 2, A and K buildings
  • Housing 3, on each floor
  • Housing 4, building 81
  • Housing 5, first floor of each building
  • Kesselman Hall, every floor
  • Parkview Hall, first floor