Timeline & Objectives
Through Ospreys Navigate, we anticipate being successful in meeting the following objectives:
- Adopt a streamlined academic early-alert system across campus that utilizes predictive analytics to identify patterns and trends indicative of students at risk of leaving, enabling timely intervention, targeted outreach, and proactive support strategies.
- Conduct regular professional development opportunities for faculty and staff to be equipped with skills to identify and support students who may be experiencing personal, social, or academic obstacles.
- Foster meaningful relationships between students and members of their success network (i.e. Advisor, Preceptor, Success Coach, Assistant Dean, Faculty, Tutor, Mentor, etc.)
- Centralize note-taking, documentation, communication, and appointment scheduling.
Fall 2024 Ospreys Navigate Pilot Timeline
- Initial Osprey’s Navigate with 10-15 faculty.
- Mid-September faculty training for those participating in the first phase of the pilot.
- Pilot begins with Faculty using Osprey Navigate to schedule precepting appointments, create alerts.
- Mid-semester feedback provided via Osprey’s Navigate (on or around October 10, 2024).
- Other units participating in the fall 2024 pilot are:
- Tutoring Center
- Ä¢¹½¶ÌÊÓƵ Cares/Residential Life
- Military & Veterans Success Center
Late October/ Early November:
- Precepting meeting and follow up via Osprey’s Navigate (note faculty will continue to use Degree Works to document academic progress).
Late November/ December (Post Fall Precepting):
- Gather feedback from faculty post precepting including feedback on other aspects of Navigate.
- Assess other aspects of the pilot including Alerts, Midsemester Feedback.
- Update resources, develop training for enhanced pilot spring 2025.
- Identify training dates for phase II of the pilot.
- Identify expanded precepting group:
- Recruit faculty to participate in phase II of the pilot.
December 2024/January 2025:
- Pilot expanded to include Academic Engagement (previously Roster Verification).
- Lauch phase II of Pilot.
- Thursday, February 15 (9am-10am) - "Virtual" Session on Case Sensitive Alerts/Notes
- Wednesday, February 21 - "Email" Announcing EAB coming soon to the community!
- Friday, February 23 11am- "Virtual" Session on Rollout Communication Strategies with Ä¢¹½¶ÌÊÓƵ Leadership Team
- Monday, February 26 (3pm-4:30pm) - "Virtual" Session on Executive Strategic Planning
- Tuesday, February 27 - EAB Announced at Presidents Town Hall by Interim Provost Marissa Levy
- Thursday, March 7 - "In-Person" Hands on Training for following Pilot Care Units
- Academic Achievement Programs
- Academic Advising
- Athletics
- Educational Opportunity Fund Program
- Learning Access Program
- Military and Veterans Success
- Residential Life
- Ä¢¹½¶ÌÊÓƵ Cares
- Student Transition Programs
- Tutoring Center
- Friday, March 8 - Email sent to faculty on EAB Overview Sessions
- Monday, March 11 - Provided EAB updates and explored EAB training site to Executive Leaders
- Tuesday, March 12 (1-2pm) - "Virtual" Session on Campaigns and Communication with Care Units and Leadership Team
- Tuesday, March 19 (4:30pm-6pm) - "Webinar" Session for Faculty/Campus Overview on Ospreys Navigate
- Wednesday, March 27 (11:30am-12:30pm) - "Webinar" Session during Staff Senate Meeting on Overview of Ospreys Navigate
- Thursday, April 11 (12pm-1:30pm) - "Webinar" Session for Faculty/Campus Overview on Ospreys Navigate; repeated session
- Friday, April 19 (11:30am-12:30pm) - ; repeated session
- Thursday, May 23 (3-4pm) - Ospreys Navigate Faculty Training
- Wednesday, June 12 (1-2pm) - Ospreys Navigate Faculty Training
- Tuesday, July 9 (12pm-2pm) - Ospreys Navigate Project Management Meeting with Faculty and Staff
- Monday, July 22 - Thursday, July 25 - Student front facing Staff Training
Onboarding Announcements/Campaigns
- Summer 2024 New Students receive onboarding information and resources on platform during New Student Orientation.
- Proposed Pilot groups to utilize platform: FRST 1000 and Pilot Care Units
- Fall 2024 Returning students will recieve digital and in person communication regarding platform throughout academic semester.