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- December 19, 2008
ĢƵ to Host Re-Employment ConferenceEffort Underway to Help Community Members Cope During Economic Downturn - December 19, 2008
ĢƵ Students Awarded Distinguished Student Fellowships - December 12, 2008
Political Strategists Stone and Schoen Lead Spirited Discussion on Changes to U.S. Political Landscape“Grant Park, 40 Years Later” Examines from the 1968 Democratic National Convention to Obama’s Election - December 10, 2008
ĢƵ President Saatkamp, Judith Roman of AmeriHealth New Jersey to Lead Chamber of Commerce Southern NJ as Chair, Vice ChairFirst College President, First Woman to Serve in Roles - December 10, 2008
ĢƵ Cuts Undergraduate Tuition for Summer Sessions by 10 PercentMeasure Enhances Affordability of Quality Education - December 5, 2008
ĢƵ College 29th Annual Scholarship Benefit Gala at Caesars Atlantic City - December 2, 2008
ĢƵ College to Confer Degrees at Annual Fall Commencement CeremoniesColonel Anthony M. La Sure to Deliver Keynote Address - December 2, 2008
Colonel Anthony M. La Sure of the 177th Fighter Wing of the New Jersey Air National Guard to Speak at ĢƵ’s Commencement CeremonyEvent Will Also Feature Tuskegee Airmen - December 2, 2008
Lecture on Holocaust Survivors Given by Dr. Berenbaum, Project Director for the Creation of the US Holocaust Memorial MuseumEvent Sponsored by Sara and Sam Schoffer Holocaust Resource Center and Milton and Betty Katz Jewish Community Center - December 1, 2008
MEDIA ADVISORY: The William J. Hughes Center for Public Policy Presents Grant Park 40 Years LaterA Retrospective on American Politics in the 20th Century - November 26, 2008
ĢƵ College to Advance Development of Aviation Research and Tech ParkEngages GoldGroup, LLC to Join Efforts - November 25, 2008
The ĢƵ Faculty Band to Perform at Dante Hall Theater of the Arts in Atlantic CityEvent Takes Place 8 p.m. on Friday, December 5 - November 20, 2008
Civility Panel On Political Campaigns Streaming Video Now Available OnlineHughes Policy Center Event Can Be Viewed On Center’s Web Site - November 20, 2008
ĢƵ Choral Groups to Perform Handel’s “The Messiah” an OratorioEvent Set for December 7, 2008 - November 19, 2008
MEDIA ADVISORY: Richard ĢƵ College to Host Region’s Largest Kwanzaa CelebrationEvent takes place 7 p.m. on Friday, November 21 - November 14, 2008
Hughes Policy Center at ĢƵ College Asks: “Will the Gloves Ever Stay on in American Political Campaigns?”Civility Panel Looks at Negativity in Campaigns, Advertisements - November 10, 2008
MEDIA ADVISORY: Civility in Political CampaignsCan Campaigners Ever Leave the Gloves On? - November 1, 2008
Results of Hughes Center at ĢƵ/Press of Atlantic City PollIncludes Comparisons to September Poll - October 30, 2008
Night of Music and Dance at ĢƵ Will Benefit Malawi, Africa - October 29, 2008
MEDIA ADVISORY: Hughes Center at ĢƵ to Release Poll on Presidential, Congressional Races - October 27, 2008
Local Holocaust Survivor Portraits on Display at Jewish Community Center in Margate - October 23, 2008
“Nixonland” Author Appears at ĢƵ for Freshman Year Experience - October 22, 2008
Friends of Encore Learning of ĢƵ Present Criminal Profiling SpeakerJohn White, Associate Professor of Criminal Justice at The Richard ĢƵ College of NJ, Will Speak at Luncheon - October 17, 2008
Media Advisory: ĢƵ Chapter of NJ Community Water Watch Will Educate Over 100 Children for Make a Difference DayWater Watch Pairs with Wildlife Refuge and Galloway Township for Day of Service on October 25, 2008 - October 17, 2008
Friends of Encore Learning of ĢƵ Set Classical Music Program - October 15, 2008
Dr. Reva A. Curry to Head ĢƵ’s Health Sciences SchoolFormer Student Services VP at Salem Community College - October 14, 2008
William J. Hughes Policy Center Creates Steering Committee20 Members of the Community Appointed to the Committee - October 13, 2008
Stephen J. Agrista Named to ĢƵ College Foundation BoardVentnor Resident Joins ĢƵ Community - October 9, 2008
ĢƵ Council of Black Faculty and Staff Honors Days, Collins, Marshall and LozanoAwards Dinner and Dance Set for Thursday, November 13, 2008 at Carriage House in Galloway - October 8, 2008
ĢƵ Center on Successful Aging Offers “Aging Successfully With (or Without) Money”Event Set for 4:30 P.M. on Thursday, October 23, 2008 in Upper G-Wing Lounge on the Galloway Twp. Campus - October 8, 2008
ĢƵ Chosen for New National Initiative on Protecting America’s Fiscal Future - October 7, 2008
ĢƵ Enrolls Largest Freshman Class In The College’s History - October 7, 2008
ĢƵ Professor Writes Monograph About the Three Branches of US Government - October 2, 2008
LoBiondo Squares Off vs. Kurkowski in Congressional Debate, Oct. 20 at The Richard ĢƵ College of New Jersey - October 2, 2008
“Journey of the Tracks” Brings ĢƵ Full-Circle in Expansion of Sara and Sam Schoffer Holocaust Resource CenterAuthentic Railroad Tracks Over Which Holocaust Victims Were Transported to Arrive at The Richard ĢƵ College of NJ on Friday, October 3rd at 1:00 PM - October 2, 2008
September 28, 2008 Results of Hughes Center at ĢƵ/ Press of Atlantic City Poll President, U.S. Senate and Congressional Districts 1, 2 and 3 Yield Some Surprises - October 1, 2008
ĢƵ College Golf Classic Increases Support for Student Scholarships - September 26, 2008
ĢƵ Announces Homecoming and Alumni Weekend Events and ActivitiesFull slate of activities, events set for October 11-12 - September 26, 2008
ĢƵ College Awards Berkman-Chipkin Scholarships to Seven Graduate StudentsRecipients Include Four New Jersey and Three Out-of-State Students - September 25, 2008
ĢƵ Council of Black Faculty and Staff Will Raise Funds for Scholarships at Annual Awards Dinner and DanceEvent Set for Thursday, November 13, 2008 at 6:00 p.m. - September 24, 2008
The Richard ĢƵ College of New Jersey Hosts Speaker on Careers in “Green” EconomyEvent Set for Thursday, October 9 From 7-9 PM - September 24, 2008
Hughes Center for Public Policy Poll On 1st Congressional District Reveals Substantial Lead for Rob AndrewsCandidate’s Change of Mind Has Little Impact - September 19, 2008
The Richard ĢƵ College of NJ Among the Top Institutions in the Nation in Princeton Review’s “Best Northeastern Colleges” SurveyOutstanding programs, excellent resources recognized - September 19, 2008
ĢƵ Institute for Community Development Lists Speaker Series ProgramSeminars Address Areas of Critical Importance to Non-profits - September 19, 2008
ĢƵ College Lends its Support as “Nine Strong for a Stronger New Jersey” Campaign is LaunchedPresidents Sign Pledge; New Web Sites Launched - September 17, 2008
Richard ĢƵ College Hosts Fifth Annual Fannie Lou Hamer Human and Civil Rights SymposiumAuthor Dr. Barbara Ransby to Deliver the Keynote Talk on October 2 - September 15, 2008
The Richard ĢƵ College of New Jersey Holocaust Resource Center Partners to Offer A Sampling of Recipes From Holocaust SurvivorsEvent Set for Monday, October 6, 2008 - September 10, 2008
Pulitzer-Prize Winning Journalist Charlie Savage Will Address Executive Power and the George W. Bush Presidency at the Richard ĢƵ College of New JerseyEvent Set for 4:30 P.M. on Thursday, September 18, 2008 at the Performing Arts Center on the Galloway Twp. Campus - September 10, 2008
Former Governor James J. Florio Will Address Voter Access, Campaign Finance Reform and Impact of the Upcoming Election at the Richard ĢƵ College of New JerseyEvent Set for 4:00 P.M. on Wednesday, September 17, 2008 at the Performing Arts Center on the Galloway Twp. Campus - September 10, 2008
The Richard ĢƵ College of New Jersey to Commemorate the ConstitutionEvents Run from Wednesday, September 17, 2008 through Tuesday, November 4, 2008 on the Galloway Twp. Campus - September 10, 2008
Former ĢƵ Trustee Gerald Weinstein Pledges $100,000 to Establish Professorship in Jewish Studies - September 5, 2008
Call for Singers for the Richard ĢƵ College of New Jersey Oratorio Society - August 26, 2008
ĢƵ College Prepares for 6th Annual Golf ClassicRobin Stoloff, Tony Coppola to Co-chair Event - August 22, 2008
ĢƵ College Again Ranks Among the Top Universities in U.S. News and World Report Annual Survey of Colleges - August 21, 2008
U.S. Attorney Chris Christie and NJ Attorney General Anne Milgram Discuss Human Trafficking At ĢƵ’s Hughes Center EventLaw Enforcement Education, Community Involvement Seen as Keys to Curb “Modern Slavery” - August 13, 2008
ĢƵ’s Sara and Sam Schoffer Holocaust Resource Center Named “Center of Excellence”Jewish Foundation for the Righteous Makes Designation for Ninth Consecutive year - August 7, 2008
MEDIA ADVISORY: U.S. Attorney Chris Christie and NJ Attorney General Anne Milgram at Hughes Lecture Series in Atlantic CityInvite-only Event Open to Media Coverage - August 5, 2008
ĢƵ Teacher Certification Programs Earn National Accreditation - July 31, 2008
ĢƵ’s Holocaust Resource Center Co-Sponsors a Speaker From the National Catholic Center for Holocaust EducationSister Gemma Del Duca to Speak on Monday, August 25, 2008 at 7:00 PM - July 22, 2008
Hughes Center at ĢƵ Selected for Prestigious, Unique Polling ProjectĢƵ Among First Colleges in Area to Engage in Deliberative Polling® to Educate Public, Policymakers, Formulate Opinions - July 22, 2008
ĢƵ Alumni Legacy Fund Run/Walk To Be Held on October 12 - July 9, 2008
The Richard ĢƵ College of New Jersey Embarks on Historic Expansion of CampusChanges Underway as Campus Center Construction Highlights Numerous Projects Campus-wide - July 9, 2008
Richard ĢƵ College of NJ Tuition and Fees Announced for 2008-2009 Academic YearCollege Committed to Affordable, Accessible Higher Education; Portion of Funds Earmarked For New Scholarships - July 9, 2008
Transportation, Safety Fee to Help Facilitate Public Safety During ĢƵ Construction Projects$50 Per Term ($25 for Summer Term) to Provide for Increased Shuttle Service, Improved Lighting During Construction - July 3, 2008
The Richard ĢƵ College of New Jersey Announces Student Exchange Agreement with TRINITY International School of Tourism Management - June 30, 2008
Margate's Temple Emeth Shalom Hosts "Salute to ĢƵ" Distinguished Scholars Guest Speakers ProgramLecture Series in its 11th Year - June 23, 2008
ĢƵ’s Holocaust Resource Center Announces Winners of the Honey and Maurice Axelrod 2008 Awards - June 18, 2008
ĢƵ Partners to Conduct 30th Anniversary Study on the Impact of Casino Gambling in Atlantic CityĢƵ Institute for Gaming Management to Partner with Spectrum Gaming Group and Rutgers Center for Urban Policy Research to Present Comprehensive Research - June 13, 2008
Brendan Byrne, Author Nick Acocella at Hughes Lecture Series in Atlantic City - June 10, 2008
MEDIA ADVISORY: Brendan Byrne at Hughes Lecture Series in Atlantic CityInvite-only Event Open to Media Coverage - June 5, 2008
ĢƵ College Will Again Offer Popular CSI Summer Forensics Camp - June 3, 2008
ĢƵ “Teachers as Scholars” Seminar Program Earns Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation DistinctionNorthfield Resident Dr. Paul Lyons to Manage Program for K-12 Educators - May 29, 2008
Richard ĢƵ College and Ocean City, NJ Promote Extraordinary Customer Service - May 29, 2008
Michael Busler, Ph.D. Joins ĢƵ School of Business FacultyLongport Resident Named Associate Professor - May 22, 2008
ĢƵ to Dedicate Holocaust Center Expansion, NamingFacility to Double in Size; Will be Re-named in Honor of Sara and Sam Schoffer - May 22, 2008
ĢƵ Student Wins Prestigious Maude Dahme AwardEmily Heerema, Brick Twp. Resident, Recognized for Series of Articles on Human Rights Issues - May 20, 2008
U.S. Senate Republican Debate at ĢƵ Event Slated for Thursday, May 22 - May 20, 2008
ĢƵ Announces First $1 Million Gift as Hughes Policy Center is Formally DedicatedGovernors Corzine and Richardson of New Mexico, Former Governor Florio, Area Legislators Attend - May 14, 2008
ĢƵ Festival on Successful Aging Celebrates Older Americans Month - May 14, 2008
Five Students Awarded Distinguished Student Fellowships At The Richard ĢƵ College of New Jersey - May 12, 2008
NJ’S Return on Tax Dollars Sent to Washington A Mixed BagSouthern NJ Counties Low in Federal Grants, High in Social Security Payments - May 8, 2008
Quality and Cost of End-Of-Life Care Subject of Upcoming ĢƵ Conference - May 8, 2008
Angela Szczepanski Honored With 2008 NJ Distinguished Student Teacher Award - May 7, 2008
Campus Center Project Underway at ĢƵ; Largest Single Building Project in History of the CollegeGroundbreaking Marks New Era for Galloway Twp. Campus - May 7, 2008
ĢƵ Groundbreakings Mark Largest Construction Effort in College HistoryCampus Center, Alton Auditorium, Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage Project to be Recognized; Holocaust Center Expansion to Follow - April 30, 2008
Former Senator Paul Sarbanes to Speak at ĢƵ’s Commencement CeremonyMadeleine Deininger will also Provide a Keynote Speech - April 30, 2008
New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson Featured at ĢƵ College Hughes Center DedicationGovernor Corzine, Members of New Jersey Congressional and Legislative Delegations Slated to Attend Dedication Naming Center in Honor of Longtime Congressman, Former Ambassador to Panama - April 28, 2008
Hughes Center at Richard ĢƵ College Polls South Jersey on U.S. Senate PrimarySupport Mixed in Congressional Districts 1 through 4 - April 24, 2008
G. Larry James Named Honorary Official for 2008 Penn Relay CarnivalOlympian, Wall of Fame Inductee to Receive Honor - April 16, 2008
ĢƵ College Spring Graduates to Receive Degrees at 36th Commencement Exercises, on Saturday, May 10Former U.S. Senator Paul Spyros Sarbanes and Madeleine Deininger to Deliver Commencement Addresses - April 16, 2008
What You Don’t Know Can Hurt You: Governance and Fundraising for Your Nonprofit OrganizationAtlantic Cape Safe Youth Partnership Conference Set for May 2, 2008 - April 16, 2008
The Richard ĢƵ College of New Jersey Announces Partnership Agreement with Greater Atlantic City Region Tourism CouncilSigning Ceremony Thursday, April 24 Followed by Lunch Featuring Curtis Bashaw as Speaker - April 16, 2008
ĢƵ Faculty to Speak at Regional Economic Development SummitEvent Set for April 25, 2008 - April 16, 2008
Richard ĢƵ College Benefit Gala Raises Record Sum for ScholarshipsEvent brings in more than $900,000 - April 15, 2008
ĢƵ Oratorio Society To Present Mendelssohn’s “Elijah” An OratorioEvent Set for April 26, 2008 - April 15, 2008
ĢƵ Remembers the Victims of the Holocaust—“Unto Every Person There Is A Name”Holocaust Program to take place at 7:30 P.M., Tuesday, April 29, 2008 - April 14, 2008
Richard ĢƵ College Scholarship Benefit Gala Exceeds Ambitious GoalRecord Amount of $780,000 Raised in Advance of Event - April 14, 2008
ĢƵ President Announces Changes in Academic, Administrative LeadershipDr. Harvey Kesselman Named Dean of Education; Matthew Altier Heads Administration and Finance - April 9, 2008
The Richard ĢƵ College of New Jersey To Host Hospice Foundation of America’s 15th Annual TeleconferenceConference will focus on Living With Grief®: Children and Adolescents - April 7, 2008
Friendships, Happiness, and Successful Aging are Subject of Upcoming Lecture at ĢƵ - April 7, 2008
Richard ĢƵ College Hosts Conference on Over-Treatment at the End-Of-Life and Medically Futile Treatment - April 4, 2008
Alcove Founder Patricia D. Smith of Linwood Selected as 11th Annual ĢƵ Psychology Distinguished Alumni Award Recipient - April 2, 2008
ĢƵ Students and Faculty Helping NJ Towns to “Go Green”Sustainability Initiative Reaches Area Policymakers - March 26, 2008
Richard ĢƵ College Graduate Programs Celebrate First DecadeSchool of Graduate and Continuing Studies to Commemorate 10 Years of Advanced Degrees - March 24, 2008
ĢƵ Selected as Member Institution in Homeland Security Consortium - March 20, 2008
“Brilliance or Sleaze? The Inner Workings of Political Campaigns”Hughes Center at ĢƵ Explores the Question - March 14, 2008
Ralph Nader Coming to The Richard ĢƵ College of NJ as Highlight of Annual Environmental ForumEvents Scheduled All Day on April 5 - March 13, 2008
ĢƵ Oratorio Society Seeks Singers for Spring ConcertNo Experience Needed to Participate in Performance of Mendelssohn’s “Elijah” - March 13, 2008
NJ Marine Education Association’s “Teach at the Beach” Slated for May 16Hosted by The Richard ĢƵ College of New Jersey - March 13, 2008
Erin Brockovich to Lecture at The Richard ĢƵ College of NJ - March 6, 2008
The Richard ĢƵ College of New Jersey Explores Science of Successful Aging - February 20, 2008
ĢƵ’s Spring Enrollment Numbers Reflect Stability and Graduate Program GrowthCollege Moves Forward With Construction Projects - February 13, 2008
Richard ĢƵ College of NJ Takes Careful Measure of its Contribution to Climate ChangeCollege to Inventory Practices in Order to Prevent Contributing to the Advance of Global Warming - February 13, 2008
Richard ĢƵ College Seeking Sponsors, Auction Items for 28th Annual Scholarship Benefit Gala on April 12 - February 8, 2008
Stay Safe and Graduate Program Receives Significant Boost in Grant FundingAward from the New Jersey Division of Highway and Traffic Safety Supports Training for Students and Local Establishments - January 29, 2008
ĢƵ Alumna’s Art Work to Be Featured at the Atlantic City Art Center on the Garden PierSouth Jersey Artists’ Work Highlighted During African American History Month - January 25, 2008
ĢƵ Launches Text Messaging Emergency Notification System for Students, Faculty and StaffCell phones to aid in distribution of emergency information - January 24, 2008
ĢƵ Establishes Advisory Panel To Augment New School of BusinessCommunity and Educational Leaders Comprise Group - January 22, 2008
Presidential Candidates’ Information Offered By Hughes Policy Center at ĢƵ CollegeRepresentatives From Both Parties to Attend Event That Is Open to Students and the General Public on Jan 29 - January 15, 2008
ĢƵ’s 4th Annual Martin Luther King, Jr. Program and Day of Service, Jan. 21 - January 14, 2008
Richard ĢƵ College of NJ Names Sharon Schulman to Head William J. Hughes Center for Public PolicyFormer Utility President, Government Official Selected to Lead Center Named for Longtime Congressman, Ambassador - January 8, 2008
ĢƵ Students Move In as New Residential Complex OpensState-of-the-Art “Learning Communities” to Provide Unique Experience to Students for On-Campus Living