Exchange Visitor Program

As stated by the U.S. Department of State: “The Exchange Visitor Program promotes mutual understanding between the people of the United States and the people of other countries by educational and cultural exchanges.”

ĢƵ is a public university certified by the U.S. Department of State to sponsor exchange students, student interns, short-term scholars, professors, and researchers. Working collaboratively with other campus units, the Office of Global Engagement (OGE) has primary oversight and administrative responsibility for the J visa program at ĢƵ. The OGE facilitates exchange visitors' entry into the U.S. in accordance with J-1 visa program regulations and guidelines and monitors their program details for the duration of their visit. The OGE, along with the campus community, supports and enables our J visa guests to complete their program requirements successfully and ensures their safe return to their home country to “utilize the experience and skills they have acquired while in the U.S."

Non-degree students typically study abroad for a semester or one year. Check with your university to see if there is an established partnership with ĢƵ to determine your home university requirements. 

Students receiving government or other institutional funds who are interested in pursuing a degree at ĢƵ must meet all entrance requirements to be accepted into the university. This includes any particular criteria established for certain majors. 

The U.S. Department of State defines short term scholars as “professors, research scholars and other individuals with similar education or accomplishments who travel to the United States on a short-term visit to lecture, observe, consult, train or demonstrate special skills at research institutions, museums, libraries, post-secondary accredited academic institutions or similar types of institutions.” The maximum length of stay is six (6) months.

Fulbright scholars' length of stay is determined per award. If you are a candidate for a Fulbright award and wish to complete your program at ĢƵ, please contact the Office of Global Engagement at

To learn more about the invitation process, please see the Procedure to invite foreign scholars

The exchange of professors and research scholars promotes the exchange of ideas, research, mutual enrichment and linkages between research and academic institutions in the United States and foreign countries.

Professor: The professor category is for a foreign national who enters the United States for the primary purpose of teaching, lecturing, observing or consulting at accredited post-secondary academic institutions, museums, libraries or similar types of institutions. A professor may also conduct research, unless disallowed by the sponsoring organization.

Research Scholar: This category is for a foreign national who enters the United States for the primary purpose of conducting research, observing or consulting in connection with research projects at research institutions, corporate research facilities, museums, libraries, post-secondary accredited academic institutions, or similar types of institutions. A research scholar may also teach or lecture, unless disallowed by the sponsor.

The research scholar or professor’s appointment to a position shall be temporary, even if the position itself is permanent.

Incidental lectures or short-term consultations are permitted with the approval of the responsible officer so long as they are directly related to the objectives of the participant’s program, and do not delay the exchange program’s completion date.  

To learn more about the invitation process, please see the Procedure to invite foreign scholars.

Student interns from partner institutions may be accommodated on a limited basis depending on the nature of the internship and the ability of the university to create a meaningful, safe internship experience.