The fraternity & sorority life program uses the Fraternal Excellence Model and learning outcomes to measure student learning and chapter success:
Greek Leader Summit
The Biannual Chapter President and Council Officer Leadership Retreat focus on common
violations of the Student Code of Conduct; describe characteristics of a good neighbor
related to the Good Neighbor Policy; how to they live the 4 healthy behaviors as an
organization; and explore ways to create a culture of care within their respective
chapters, councils, and communities.
Additionally, the retreat allowed for collaboration time between and across councils
as leaders were learning how to
navigate the upcoming Fall semester. In the Spring, the curriculum was focused on
understanding their role grounded in the Leadership Practice Inventory and connecting
to varying campus resources.
New Member Educator Training
The New Member Education Training is designed to provide new member educators the
tools necessary to
create a safe and enjoyable new member education period. It offers them a space to
discuss how to prevent
hazing within new member programs. Student leaders processed university expectations
of the new member
period while learning the value of creating a positive new member experience. New
member educators had
the chance to have open and honest conversations about issues facing the Ä¢¹½¶ÌÊÓƵ's
campus and explored the
power they have to initiate change. All four councils have held individual conversations
with the council and
chapter leadership about hazing prevention and healthy educational alternatives.
Greek Officer Training
Required for chapter and council officers. Hosted each Spring semester.
Topics include:
- Vice Presidents/Judicial/Standards Officers
- Treasurers/Financial Directors
- Philanthropy/Community Service
- Public Relation/Social Media Chairs
- Risk Managers/Social Chairs
- Diversity/Equity/Inclusion Chairs
- Academic/Scholarship Chairs
- Programming/Brother/Sisterhood Chairs
- New Member Educator/Intake Director
- Recruitment Chair
Health and Safety Trainings
Twice a year, Fraternity and Sorority Life hosts training sessions for social chairs
and risk managers for each of
the chapters. These sessions educate students on the IFC and Panhellenic social event
policies and procedures
and university expectations for social events. UCGC and NPHC has a different session
on the risks associated
with cultural greek letter organizations. Through the training and roundtables, chapter
leadership enhanced
relationships within the community that strengthened the understanding that everyone
plays a role in
advancing the mission and vision of the Fraternity & Sorority Community. These conversations
were proactive
approaches to address risk management concerns following the end of the pandemic and
reintroduction of
social events.
EmpowerED Greeks: Resilience and Wellness Series
EmpowerED Greeks was start in Fall 2024, with a focus on critical conversations that fraternity and sorority members should be having. Topics include: Substance Use and Abuse, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, Conflict Management, Mental Health, Hazing Prevention, Sexual Violence Prevention, and more. The monthly conversations elevate conversations from a 101 conversation to a deeper dive into the topic and help have attendees leave with an action item for them to complete.
Presidents Roundtables
Once a month, Fraternity and Sorority Life hosts a roundtable for Chapter and Council
Presidents to have a space for collaboration, critical thinking, and reflections.
Each roundtable has a different focus and agenda. This year's
presidents roundtables included: a past presidents panel for future success, putting
your presidency on your resume, goals, and expectations of the positions, and letters
to your future self.
Online Modules
These cources are required to be taken by all members of the fraternity & sorority community. Requried once a year:
- Vector Solutions: Sexual Violence Prevention for Undergraduates
Upcoming Programs