Event Classifications
University Event:
University events are activities planned, coordinated, and implemented solely by University faculty, staff or recognized student clubs/organization(s) for the benefit of the University and/or its community. All expenses are paid through University accounts in accordance with established policies and procedures.
NOTE: Ordinarily, no outside group may use state facilities for fundraising purposes when the beneficiary is other than the University, unless specifically authorized in writing by the appropriate Divisional Executive and University's Ethics Compliance Officer. If authorization is provided, surcharge fees may be applied.
University Hosted Event:
Hosted events are activities that involve external groups or organizations the institution has offered to provide space and resources to as an invited guest. Hosted events are processed as internal events and are not subject to contractual, financial, or insurance related requirements as they apply to the use of institutional facilities. Hosted events must meet the following requirements:
* The internal host is required to obtain prior written approval from the President
or a member of the President's Senior Leadership Team. This written approval should be sent to the attention of Event Services.
* Share and/or absorb appropriate liabilities and costs associated with the event
not born by the external group.
* Assign a liaison from the internal host to assist with planning, coordinating, and
implementing the event.
* Assign additional personnel as determined by the Office of Event Services and Campus
Center Operations.
* In cases where the external partner is a private entity providing a financial contribution
or in-kind contribution, prior approval by the Ethics Liaison Officer and the New
Jersey State Ethics Commission is required
* These events may be subject to approval by the State Ethics Commission. See guidelines
and the . Questions may be directed to the campus Ethics Liaison Officer.
University Co-sponsored Event:
Co-sponsored events are activities involving both internal and external partners.
The activities must be aligned to the institution’s mission. Co-sponsored events are subject to contractual, financial, and insurance related requirements.
Sponsored events must meet all of the following requirements:
* The internal host is required to obtain prior written approval from the appropriate
budget unit manager, dean, and/or member of the President's Senior Leadership Team. This written approval should be sent to the attention of Event Services.
* Adhere to the appropriate provisions of University facility and resource usage fees
and University procedures and policies.
* Share and/or absorb appropriate costs associated with the event not born by the
external group.
* Assign a liaison from the internal sponsor to assist with planning, coordinating,
and implementing the event.
* Assign additional personnel as determined by the Office of Event Services and Campus
Center Operations.
* In cases where the external partner is a private entity providing a financial contribution
or in-kind contribution, prior approval by the Ethics Liaison Officer and the New
Jersey State Ethics Commission is required
* These events must gain prior approval by the State Ethics Commission. See guidelines
and the . Questions may be directed to the campus Ethics Liaison Officer.
External Event:
External events are activities planned, implemented, and sponsored by individuals, groups, or organizations not included in the organizational structure of the University. External events are subject to contractual, financial, and insurance related requirements as they apply to the use of institutional facilities.