Communication Studies Internship Opportunities
The Communication Studies Program requires students to enroll in a 4-credit internship as a requirement for the major. A wide-range of off-campus internship opportunities are available to students within the local, Philadelphia, New York and Washington, D.C. region.
Communication majors can also opt for an on-campus internship with the University radio station, WLFR, the Community TV Partnership Internship, and Ä¢¹½¶ÌÊÓƵ’s South Jersey Culture and History Center (SJCHC).
Interested students should contact the Communication Studies Internship Coordinator
–, or faculty sponsor after discussing possibilities and requirements with their preceptors.
Communication Studies Internship Courses
COMM/LITT 3926 Oral History Internship (4 credits)
Open to juniors and seniors only. Permission of Instructor required.
Students in this course will work with Ä¢¹½¶ÌÊÓƵ's South Jersey Culture & History Center
(SJCHC) to learn and implement best practices for collecting Oral Histories, thereby
helping to preserve Southern New Jersey's heritage. Students will learn to develop
appropriate interview questions, conduct interviews, and best practices for recording,
transcribing, and archiving these interviews.
Faculty: T. Kinsella
COMM 4901 Communication Internship (4 credits, can be on-campus or off-campus)
Open to junior and senior Communication Studies majors only. Permission of Instructor
With prior written permission of the internship coordinator, a student may earn four
credits for his/her work in an approved communication-intensive environment.
Faculty: T. Rosenthal
COMM 4902 WLFR Internship (4 credits)
Prerequisite: Open to junior and senior Communication Studies majors only. Permission
ofInstructor required.
The WLFR Internship is designed to give students from any of the three Communication
tracks the experience of how a radio station operates in various areas, including
but not limited to, day-to-day office operations, on-air talent, producing content,
training on digital broadcasting equipment, writing news stories, engineering syndicated
shows, sports broadcasting, social media, production, and promotional events. The
WLFR Internship would be great for any student who would like to pursue a career in
radio broadcasting.
Faculty: J. Ludovich, C. Roberts
COMM 4906 Community TV Partnership (4 Credits)
Open to junior and senior Communication Studies majors only. Permission of Instructor
The Community Television Partnership is designed to give Communication students a
comprehensive experience in working on a television production. Ä¢¹½¶ÌÊÓƵ’s
Communication Studies program works with several community partners in producing TV
shows or content to be aired locally and/or for online distribution. Students will
learn various crew positions as well as work as media professionals. This internship
class would be a great experience for any student who wants to pursue a career in
television production.
Faculty: J. Ludovich, J. Newman
Current Affiliates
Ä¢¹½¶ÌÊÓƵ's School of Arts and Humanities currently has an affiliation agreement
with the Press of Atlantic City. Paid internships are available every year. For more information, please email
Required Paperwork and Approvals
Before the internship is approved for credit, the student must meet with a faculty sponsor to discuss the prospective internship site and expectations. Students will need to provide the faculty sponsor with a resumé and sign up for an account on , Ä¢¹½¶ÌÊÓƵ's internship and job network platform.
Students must facilitate completion of a Ä¢¹½¶ÌÊÓƵ Internship form with the sponsoring COMM faculty. Students must bring the completed Internship form to the Arts and Humanities School Office (K150) for approval and processing. Information regarding administration of Internships can be accessed at Internship/Experiential Learning in the School of Arts and Humanities.
It is expected that students enrolled in the 4-credit internship, COMM 4901, will accumulate 160 hours over the course of the semester. The faculty sponsor will determine assignments and requirements related to the internship.