Policies and Procedures
University Policies and Procedures
Academic Policies and Procedures
Amnesty is a special opportunity that allows former students of ĢƵ who were close to completing their undergraduate degree to return and fulfill the requirements that were in effect at the time of their most recent prior matriculation. The following undergraduate criteria determines a student’s eligibility for amnesty:
- the student was formerly matriculated at ĢƵ;
- the student must have completed a minimum of 120 credits toward a degree at ĢƵ;
- the student was in good academic standing when they left ĢƵ, i.e., had at least a 2.0 grade point average (GPA), and was not subject to disciplinary action when they left the University;
- the student needs 32 or fewer credits to complete the degree at the time they left ĢƵ.
Former matriculated students who fulfill the above criteria may apply for amnesty by submitting an appeal at this link:
Former matriculated graduate students in good standing may also apply.
The Office of the Provost will request an evaluation of the former student’s degree status from the Center for Academic Advising. The Center for Academic Advising will verify with the student’s academic program that program requirements:
- have been fulfilled according to current requirements;
- will have been fulfilled upon completion of the remaining courses; or
- will be waived or substitutions approved because the student would have fulfilled program requirements at the time of prior matriculation.
The Office of the Provost will review University requirements and make the final determination regarding the student’s eligibility for amnesty. Students who return under the amnesty policy must complete their degree within one calendar year and take any remaining courses at ĢƵ. The University reserves the right to grant amnesty under special circumstances that may deviate from the above policy. Individuals who wish to determine whether their special circumstances qualify for amnesty are directed to submit an appeal at this link:
Only on an exceptional basis may a full-time, matriculated undergraduate student carry more than 21 credits per term. All course work in excess of 21 credits per term is considered an overload.
To qualify for an academic overload, a student must have:
- completed at least two terms as a full-time undergraduate student at ĢƵ;
- have achieved a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of at least 3.0 in all course work attempted at ĢƵ;
- have no current incomplete (I) grades.
An academic overload will only be added during the drop/add period each term. Forms are available from the Office of the Registrar, Campus Center 203, and also available online on the Registrar's website. Have the form signed first by your preceptor and then by an advisor from the Center for Academic Advising. The approved request form must be submitted to the Office of the Registrar.
View the ĢƵ policy on Student Course Load.
As an academic institution of merit and integrity, ĢƵ affirms its commitment to the honesty and excellence of all academic work conducted by students of the ĢƵ academic community. Academic dishonesty is a serious violation of academic procedure and the Campus Conduct Code and is subject to severe sanctions including suspension and expulsion.
View the ĢƵ Universtiy procedure on Student Academic Honesty.
If you have been charged with academic dishonesty and have grounds to appeal the charge or sanction, you may do so by submitting your appeal through the form. Appeals should include a strong and clear rationale as to why the charge is incorrect or why you are requesting leniency on the sanction.
Undergraduate students must earn a 2.0 cumulative and term grade point average (GPA) to be considered making minimum academic progress.
View the ĢƵ Universtiy policy on Academic Warning, Probation and Dismissal.
When an undergraduate student earns a term grade point average (GPA) below 2.0, the student will receive an Academic Warning. If the student’s cumulative grade point average is also below 2.0, the student will be placed on Academic Probation.
View the ĢƵ Universtiy policy on Academic Warning, Probation and Dismissal.
If an undergraduate student’s cumulative grade point average (GPA) is below 2.0 for two consecutive or three cumulative terms, the student is subject to Academic Dismissal.
View the ĢƵ policy on Academic Warning, Probation and Dismissal.
If you are dismissed, you can find information about appealing for reinstatement to the University using the
Reinstatement Appeals are due to the Office of the Provost by Monday, January 13, 2025 at noon. Appeal outcomes will be sent to students on Friday, January 17, 2025.
Grades represent the professional judgment of faculty in their assigned areas of expertise and, once the final deadline for recording grades has passed, may only be changed when there has been a documented error in grade calculation or in those situations of a successful grade appeal. Grade changes, except for those awarded under the appeal system, may be submitted online by the instructor.
View the ĢƵ Grade Appeal Procedure.
Grades represent the professional judgment of faculty in their assigned areas of expertise and, once the final deadline for recording grades has passed, may only be changed when there has been a documented error in grade calculation or in those situations of a successful grade appeal. Grade changes, except for those awarded under the appeal system, may be submitted online by the instructor.
View the ĢƵ Grade Appeal Procedure.
ĢƵ permits two systems of grading; standard letter grading or Pass/No Credit. Courses are set to either the standard letter or Pass/No Credit grading mode at the discretion of the instructor or program.
Letter Grades
The following standard letter grades will be recorded on the student’s official transcript:
A= |
4.0 |
A-= |
3.7 |
B+ = |
3.3 |
B = |
3.0 |
B- = |
2.7 |
C+ = |
2.3 |
C = |
2.0 |
C- = |
1.7 |
D+ = |
1.3 |
D = |
1.0 |
D-= |
0.7 |
F= |
0 |
A grade of A symbolizes excellent work, grades in the B range symbolize good work, grades of C+ and C symbolize satisfactory work, grades of C- and in the D range symbolize poor work, and an F symbolizes failure.
Pass/No Credit Grades
Courses graded in the Pass/No Credit grading mode will be recorded as P or NC on the student’s official transcript and will not be factored into the calculation of the student’s grade point average (GPA). A grade of P symbolizes passing (performance in the A-D letter range). A grade of NC symbolizes no credit (failing). Some programs will not count credits earned in the Pass/No Credit grading mode as meeting program degree requirements. Students should meet with their preceptor or the program coordinator to understand the requirements.
The pass/no credit grading option is governed by the following:
- A maximum of one course per semester can be designated in the P/NC mode.
- A student who is on probation cannot take courses in the P/NC mode during the probation period.
- Certain programs and University requirements require academic progress in courses with a C or better. In those instances, the P/NC credit option is not available to students wishing to complete that program.
- Students must have earned 12 credits (including transfer credits) before they are eligible for P/NC courses.
- A maximum of 10 percent of ĢƵ credits to be applied toward graduation requirements may be taken in P/NC mode.
Non-Grade Transcript Notations
The following notations may appear on transcripts: AU, W, WI, I, IP, or X. X grades are assigned and used only by the Office of the Registrar. The notations are defined below:
AU symbolizes “audit”
An AU is recorded on the transcript if a student audited a course.
A W will be recorded on the transcript if a student withdraws from a course or from the University between the end of the drop/add period and the end of the eleventh (11th) week of a full term, or the fifth week of a sub-term. See the Withdrawal from a Course section of the current University Bulletin for information regarding the number of W notations permissible.
WI symbolizes “withdrawal due to illness”
A WI will be recorded on the transcript by the Office of the Registrar for a course or courses that have been approved by the Office of the Registrar for a withdrawal due to illness. The student must submit a written appeal via the online form located at the Late/Medical Withdrawal website requesting a medical withdrawal from one or more classes due to severe medical circumstances beyond the student’s control. The appeal must include appropriate documentation regarding such medical circumstances. Requests for late or medical withdrawals must be submitted by the 20th calendar day following the end of the term (i.e. fall, spring, summer).
I symbolizes “incomplete course work”
An “I” will be recorded on the transcript to indicate that course work is due for a course or courses that have been approved by the instructor and submission of the Agreement for Completion of Course Work form.
A student may be eligible to request an incomplete from the instructor, if it is determined that 1) the student is doing satisfactory work, and 2) due to an illness or emergency the student will be unable to complete the course work within that academic term. If an incomplete is granted, remaining course work must be completed and submitted before the last class day in the next term.
An Agreement for Completion of Course Work form must be completed and include a summary of the work completed by the student at the time course work was discontinued, the student’s grade in the course at that time, a summary of the remaining course work to be submitted and the due date (before the end of the next term).
Special circumstances may exist by which completion of the “I” requires special arrangements, e.g., lab courses, foreign language courses, and internships. Those arrangements must be described in an attachment to the Agreement for Completion of Course Work authorization and approved by the appropriate dean(s).
The Agreement (and any attachments) must be signed by both the student and the authorizing instructor. A copy of the Agreement is filed with the appropriate School office. Copies are also retained by the student and by the authorizing instructor. Any variation from the signed contract must be initiated by the instructor and approved by the dean.
IP symbolizes “in progress”
An IP will be recorded on the transcript by the Office of the Registrar for courses that continue after the grading deadline.
X acts as a placeholder
An X will be recorded on the transcript by the Office of the Registrar as a placeholder for completed noncredit courses that do not carry a grade or for other reasons determined by the Registrar.
Assignment of Grades
Grades are due each semester by the deadlines noted on the Academic Calendar and are submitted by faculty online through the goĢƵ portal. Faculty can only submit A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, C-, D+, D, D-, and F grades online. Letter grades should be submitted for courses that have been approved for the Pass/No Credit grading mode. The letter grade will be converted on the student’s transcript as P for grades A through D- or NC for a grade of F. AU, IP, W, WI and X grades can only be entered by the Office of the Registrar. “I” grades will be entered by the Office of the Registrar with submission of an Agreement for Completion of Course Work form or direction from the Assistant Dean.
Independent study is an approach followed at ĢƵ to encourage close working relationships between students and faculty. Independent study provides opportunities to develop highly individualized, rigorous, and personal learning experiences. This approach fulfills three needs. It permits students to pursue questions not addressed in faculty-directed classrooms, laboratories, or studios; it helps students to develop valuable research skills; and it enables students to test mastery of principles, methods, and materials presented in regular classes by instructors. Properly done, independent study should lead to that goal sought by all educated persons; namely the capacity for independent learning throughout life. Students who wish to undertake independent study projects should consult the instructor with whom they wish to work. Projects must be carefully formulated on a Special Project Request Form and signed by the appropriate instructor, student, and dean.
NOTE: GIS courses can only be taken as independent studies under exceptional circumstances.
View the Independent Study Form
This program is an option for students who have an unsatisfactory academic record and have not been enrolled at ĢƵ for at least four years. Under this option, the student can choose to begin his/her academic program at ĢƵ anew. No previous ĢƵ work will apply to the new program, and the student is subject to the basic skills requirement as part of the new program. A line is drawn across the ĢƵ transcript indicating the “new start.” Previous academic work remains on the transcript but does not count toward the new program or in the new grade point average (GPA). Students must appeal for the New Start program by submitting an appeal at this link: , as well as completing the Rematriculation Form.
Many courses have prerequisites. These are other courses or experiences that students must have completed prior to enrolling in the course in question. Prerequisites are provided in the course descriptions in the and the .
Several courses have corequisites. These are other courses in which a student must enroll concurrently. Corequisites are provided in the course descriptions in the and the .
Courses requiring Permission of Instructor (POI) are provided in the course descriptions in the . Students must obtain permission from the course instructor before registering for the class. If permission is granted, the instructor will issue a permit electronically that will override the restriction and allow the student to register.
To receive financial aid, students must maintain satisfactory academic progress (SAP) toward earning a degree. Students who do not achieve the required grade point average (GPA) or who are not successfully completing their degree program at the required pace, may appeal to have their financial aid reinstated. View the SAP Evaluation Process.
Acceptance of credits in transfer does not guarantee that those credits will be applicable to the degree program chosen by the student. Office of the Registrar, the Center for Academic Advising and the preceptor evaluate credits with regard to both acceptability and applicability. Only official transcripts, and official score reports shall be used for this review. Transfer students must meet the same overall academic standards and requirements as students who enter ĢƵ as first-year students. View the ĢƵ policy for Undergraduate Transfer Credit. View further information about Transfer Credit Allocation.
For international and domestic study away, students should connect with the Office of Global Engagement.
Full-time students:
The Dean’s List is generated each fall and spring term. Students earning 12 or more credits in a given term are considered for the Dean’s List using the criteria for full-time students.
Eligibility requirements:
- Must earn 12 or more credits in a term.
- Must earn a grade point average (GPA) for the term of 3.50 or greater.
- May receive no grade lower than a C.
- May not have any withdrawals (W) or incompletes (I) during the term.
Part-time students:
Students earning between 8 and 11 credits are eligible for the Dean’s List using the criteria for part-time students. Recognition will be at the end of the second term of two consecutive terms. Having been recognized on the Dean’s List, students will again become eligible after the next set of two consecutive terms in which 8 to 11 credits per term have been earned.
Eligibility requirements:
- Must earn 8 to 11 credits a term for two consecutive terms, excluding the summer term.
- Must earn a grade point average (GPA) for each term of 3.50 or greater.
- May receive no grade lower than a C.
- May not have any withdrawals (W) or incompletes (I) during either term. The student becomes ineligible for the term in which a grade of W and/or I was assigned.
Students completing Incomplete (I) grades are not eligible for the Dean’s List even upon completion of the required work. Students meeting the criteria for the Dean’s List have a notation made on their transcript for that term. For part-time students, the notation will appear on the transcript on the second of the two terms.
Students can graduate with honors and/or program distinction if they meet the specified criteria. Honors and program distinction have separate criteria.
This criteria can be viewed in ĢƵ University’s policy Graduation With Honors.
Students seeking a degree must complete set forth graduation requirements in order to achieve their degree. These requirements may be viewed in ĢƵ's procedure for Graduation. Appeals for graduation requirement waivers can be submitted at this link: .
The University grants students a time frame to withdrawal from classes with no academic penalty. Withdrawing after this published deadline (on the Academic Calendar) is not permitted except in proven, extraordinary circumstances.
A student with a registration hold on their account may contact the Office of the Registrar at registrar@stockton.edu or call 609-652-4235 to request a course withdrawal during the permitted withdrawal period.
In the rare event that a student has experienced extraordinary circumstances that might permit an exception to the University policy on course withdrawals, the student may submit an appeal using the link available on the Late or Medical Withdrawal From a Course procedure page.
Review the Academic Calendar for deadlines to withdraw from course(s).
Students who wish to interrupt their education for two or more terms must apply for a Leave of Absence through the Office of the Registrar. An official Leave of Absence permits a student to interrupt their education for a period of up to five years and to reenter ĢƵ without formally reapplying to the University or forfeiting the original term of matriculation. Students may miss one semester without requesting a formal leave of absence or having to reapply to the University.
Students may apply for an official Leave of Absence through the Office of the Registrar before the end of the Drop/Add period in the term that the leave will become effective. A Leave of Absence must be renewed through the Office of the Registrar each term before the end of the Drop/Add period. Drop/Add deadlines can be found on the Academic Calendar.
Students returning from a Leave of Absence must rescind their leave with the Office of the Registrar two weeks before they wish to register for classes, or before the end of the Drop/Add period in that term.
A matriculated student who does not attend ĢƵ for two consecutive terms, and is not on an official Leave of Absence, forfeits their status as a matriculated student. Students who do not return to ĢƵ when their leave expires must reapply to the University through the Office of the Registrar if they did not attend another institution during the absence. Students who attended another institution during their absence must formally reapply to the University through the Office of Admissions. If readmitted, a new matriculation term will be established and the student will be subject to the academic requirements for graduation at the time of readmission. International students must maintain academic progress as outlined in the SEVIS regulations.
Students may withdraw from a course through their Go Portal by following these steps:
- Log into Go Portal account
- Select Student Services Tab
- On the left side, in the Student Tools Box, select Course Registration
- Select Register for Classes
- Select the current term you are withdrawing course(s) from
- You will see your courses on the bottom right in the Summary box
- Select the drop-down menu of the course you are withdrawing from
- Select the withdrawal option and then choose submit on the bottom right
Review the Academic Calendar for deadlines to withdraw from course(s).
For more information on withdrawing from a course and how it would affect a student’s standing, review ĢƵ’s policy on Drop/Add and Withdrawal from a Course procedure.
Students are advised to consult with the Office of the Registrar before withdrawing from the University or taking a leave of absence. These requests are directed to the Office of the Registrar.
Students who do not expect to continue at ĢƵ should immediately complete a formal statement of withdrawal at the Office of the Registrar, Campus Center 203. For more information on withdrawing from the University, see the Leave of Absence/Withdrawal from University procedure.
It is the responsibility of the Office of the Registrar to advise the appropriate University offices of a student's withdrawal.