Frequently Asked Questions
The following are questions that students frequently ask concerning their academic. We have provided quick answers to these common questions. More detailed information is on our academic information pages.
If you have any further concerns, you may e-mail the Center for Academic Advising by clicking here. Please include student's full name and Z number in the subject line of your email. Please allow 3 business days for replies.We are always here to help by calling (609)-652-4504 during regular office hours, or make an appointment.
For a B.A. degree, a student needs a minimum of 64 (+/- 2) credits in Program/Cognate
courses and 64 (+/-2) credits in General Studies and At-Some-Distance courses. For
a B.S. degree, a student needs a minimum of 80 Program/Cognate credits (+/-2) and
48 General Studies/At-Some-Distance (+/-2) credits.
All students must complete a minimum of 128 credits to graduate, with a cumulative
GPA of no less than 2.0.
To request an exception to the General Studies requirements, including the quantitative reasoning, the writing, or the general education outcomes requirement, submit an email explaining the request to Dr. Robert.Gregg, Dean of General Studies at Please make sure that all of your contact information is included.
Substitutions to program requirements can be made only if your preceptor, in consultation with the faculty in your program, approves them in writing though a process called a Degree Works adjustment.
All incoming students with fewer than 16 credits must complete a First-Year Seminar. First-Year Seminars can be recognized in the online course catalog by their course number which will always begin with "10" (e.g., GAH 1024, GEN 1011)
Generally speaking, you should declare your major before the end of your sophomore year.
All major and minor changes/declarations must be submitted digitally. To make a request, log in to your Go Ä¢¹½¶ÌÊÓƵ portal. Access your Student Services tab > Student Tools > Change of Major/Minor. Students interested in Dance (audition required), Dual Degree MBA, Dual Degree CRIM, and some health-related concentrations are subject to review by that department. You cannot declare Nursing or the above on this form (must be accepted as a first-year student by the Nursing Admissions Board).
When you change your major, Advising will change your preceptor to someone in your new major who can advise you more readily on program-specific requirements.
Your preceptor is your faculty advisor, and is generally someone who teaches in your major or a closely aligned discipline. You are assigned a preceptor when you matriculate at Ä¢¹½¶ÌÊÓƵ. Undecided students are also assigned a faculty member or an advisor in the Center for Academic Advising.
If you change your major, we will assign a new preceptor in that major. If you meet a faculty member that you would rather have as a preceptor, please ask that faculty member to accept you as their preceptee. That faculty member will then submit your name through their faculty tab in the portal to accept you as their new preceptee. Always provide your Z number to that faculty member so the process can be completed. We are no longer using paper change of preceptor forms.
A "hold 26" is a probation hold; all students with a cumulative GPA of less than 2.0 must meet with an advisor in the Center for Academic Advising to have this hold removed.
A "hold 27" is a precepting hold; you must meet with your preceptor or find a new preceptor and meet with him or her for this hold to be removed.
If you do not see your question listed, you may email us your questions at, or call 609-652-4504.