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Adjournment of the 2008-09 Student Senate 2007-2008 Student Senate Meeting Minutes from April 15, 2008 Presiding: Jennifer Anzuena Members Present: Krystle Alleyne Irene Ayoola Venetta Benjamin Brian Brateris Jyron Brooks Kevin Devine Chimere Lake John Livres Michael McManus John Odoardo Ashley Pero Danielle Sanzone Lee Smith Tracey Smith Sara Sterling Xilena Viana Members Absent: Jerry Cupples William Elmore Jasmine Harley Dawn Leiser* Derek Simmons *Notified Chair Duanaya Williams* Members Late: Larry Daniels Chantal McClary Katie McVeigh Sammy Sanchez Agenda/Business: Jennifer called the meeting to order. Senators who were absent or late were noted. John Livres moved to approve the minutes of the April 1, 2008 meeting, seconded by Kevin. Motion Passed: 16-0-1* *Senator Abstained: Jennifer Anzuena Larry and Chantal arrived at this time. Presidents Report: Jennifer Anzuena Jennifer reported that Casino Night would be held at 8:00 p.m. that evening. Jennifer then announced that the next committee meeting would be Thursday, April 17th and the next full meeting will be the following Tuesday, April 22nd. The Annual Club and Organizations banquet will also be held Tuesday, April 22nd at 7:00 p.m. at the Smithville Inn. Tickets are available in the Student Development Office. Jennifer then congratulated the senators that were re-elected. Katie arrived at this time. Committee Reports: Finance The Geology Club submitted a supplemental in the amount of $1,847.50 for a trip to Utah from May 13 to May 27. Larry moved to approve the supplemental, seconded by Lee. Motion passed: 19-0-1* *Senator Abstained: Jennifer Anzuena The Surf Club submitted a supplemental in the amount of $4,750 to cover event insurance for their members. Larry moved to approve the supplemental, seconded by John Odoardo. Motion passed: 18-1-1* *Senator Opposed: Venetta Benjamin Senator Abstained: Jennifer Anzuena Sammy arrived at this time. Los Latinos Unidos submitted a supplemental in the amount of $1,600 to bring a play and book signing entitled YO SOY LATINA! to the Performing Arts Center. Larry moved to approve the supplemental, seconded by Ashley. Motion passed: 19-1-1* *Senator Opposed: Ashley Pero Senator Abstained: Jennifer Anzuena Larry then reported that the 2008-2009 club budgets had been finalized. Larry moved to approve the budgets in the amount of $390,638.24, seconded by Michael. Motion passed: 19-0-2* *Senators Abstained: Jennifer Anzuena and Chantal McClary School Spirit Mike first reported that the committee spent time making two large banners for Spirit Week 2008. One banner was hung in the N-wing cafeteria and the other was hung in the Lakeside Center. Mike then announced that Stacy McIntosh, Associate Director of the College Center, thanked the committee for their help with the Ospreys Nest. She informed the committee that the College Center has ideas for the next phase of the project and will be contacting the committee members shortly with designs. Mike concluded by reporting that the prizes for the carnival had arrived. Public Relations Krystle reported that the committee conducted a successful Meet the Candidates program. They also plan to meet with the School Spirit Committee and other senators to dorm storm for the upcoming Spirit Week celebration. Student Welfare Chantal first thanked all of the students that re-elected her to the senate. She then went on to inform the senators that she plans to meet with Paul Chambers, Assistant Director of Athletics and Recreating, regarding getting a wresting team on campus. Lee stated that he spoke with the Bursars Office regarding the delay in financial aid reimbursements. Lee was informed that reimbursements are done on an account-by-account basis and could take from a month after classes start to the end of the semester. Students must wait for the state to pay the college before they can get checks cut. Lee then reported that he spoke with Craig Stambaugh, Director of the College Center, regarding getting CNN on the campus televisions. Craig informed Lee that he has no problem putting CNN on some of the televisions but will discuss it further with Student Development and other student leaders. Academic Policies Jyron reported that the Undecided Fair was a success and thanked his committee for their hard work. Announcements/Comments from the Public: Stephen Davis, Associate Dean of Students, announced that President Saatkamp will be putting together a task force to study Alcohol Related Incidents. The task force will consist of students, faculty and staff and will examine policies and procedures. They will also be working with Campus Police. Representatives from the Psychology Club thanked the senate for supporting their conference in Boston. Representatives from Water Watch and SAVE reported that their environmental forum was a great success. They thanked the Senate for supporting their supplemental. Joseph Lizza, Assistant Director of the College Center, announced that tickets for the Graduate Send Off will be available on Monday April 21st. Jennifer Forman, Assistant Director of Student Development, announced that Class Council applications were available in G-206. Patricia Weaver, Bookstore Manager, announced that the Bookstore would be holding their annual Midnight Madness sale on April 23, 2008 from 10:00 p.m. to midnight. Adjournment: Jennifer adjourned the meeting at 5:05 p.m. ;=QWY_w}N X Y ^ n s v ¾º®ªª¦¦¾š•|xxhR hR\ hoYG\ h\ hm\ hF\ h%\hJGhi~hCh<+hOh|chf(hhoh("hFhFCJ(aJ( hF5CJ hf(5CJ0 h5CJ0 ho5CJ0 hF5CJ0 hF5CJ( hF5CJ@/-<=>?Q`jx{|}~$a$gdF$a$gd+gdF$a$gdFh  " # 6 7 M N Y n p^p`gdOp^pgdF & FgdF ^`gdF$a$gdFgdFn G H w x $a$gd("p^pgdF ^`gdFgdF / < M ] j x ^`gd ^`gd ^`gd:I ^`gdD(gd:IgdRgdF$a$gdF  - / ; < L M [ \ i j v w  xmfb^h2[ hq1 hD(hD(hahRmHsH hD(h2[ hah2[ mHsH hhf( h:Ih:I hahq1hW7hahmHsH hhh:Ihxgzh hh hHhhhq1h\hh\hR h2[ \ hm\ hD(\hD( hq1\#  ) 8 H U gdOugdF ^`gd2)n ^`gdgd2[ ^`gd:I ^`gdD(gdD(gdf( ^`gdq1      ' ( 7 G S T U b d e t v  ; ? @ G k r v 컶ҟ|xhxBh$hPvh{8 h.h$h1,hhRhF hF\hA] hh h:Ih h2[ \h2[ h2[ \ h:Ihq1h~OhM0<h:I h:Ih:Ihq1hD( h2[ h2[ hR\hhf( hmhm/v x    !123a`jlm&'(),-@ȿȠȘĄĔĔȀy hF5\hyhi~hi~H*h~7h~7H*h~7h~7hH*h~OhD h5 hOu5hOuhF5 hi~5 ha5hi~hhOuh6hh 0h^dhFhch{8h`vhhah$h-    23  )-HK<= /U  gdM-Agdgdi~ 7$8$H$gdM-A gdV$a$gd`}p`pgdgd?gdOu@GHIJKLN_x+;<=@NZa~  TUWYstw"#VWÿ÷ó˫˿˧˿ˣ˿˿˟Ǔh6'hP[h6hV#hw|h9:h4ah'[hIhhhi~hYh~OhM-A hhM-A h5\ hY5\ hw|5\ h5\ h`}hF h~5\9UVuvQRopWvwgdgd6 ^`gdmzgd~OgdP[gdi~  gdM-A'>Wmqy:Nq6789bk   ?\qyþߺ률 hK\ h(\ h6\ hu5\ h4Md5\ hD5\hFj hz55 h4Md5hhP[h(hi~ hh6h6h /he* hF5\ h5\ hi~5\;  hi<=ip`pgdSgdUc1$gdy1$gdgdgd?8 7$8$H$gd6gde* ^`gd >8;<=|hiGK # , - Ǡ h Zhmzh0h0H*hmzhAvhkMh0 h95 hk5hUchF5 hkM5 h ~5 hyhihKh /h hy5\ h$hy h)\ hBd\ hkM\ hk=m\ h\ hK\4ijuv - . h gd3gdUcp`pgdS - . 9 < D E L N Z [ ^ b c g h hhphBhZIhqh1,hkMhF hF5hZ4,1h/ =!"#$% @@@ FNormalCJ_HaJmH sH tH :@: F Heading 1$@&5\DA@D Default Paragraph FontRiR  Table Normal4 l4a (k@(No ListHH M Balloon TextCJOJQJ^JaJJOJ +2 titletext1CJOJQJ^JaJo(phHC@H Body Text Indent p`paJe@" tHTML Preformatted7 2( Px 4 #\'*.25@9CJOJQJ^JaJNg@1N tHTML TypewriterCJOJPJQJ^JaJB^@BB H Normal (Web)dd[$\$h F -<=>?Q`jx{|}~  "#67MNYn  GHwx  /<M]jx )8HU    23  )-HK < = / U V u v Q R o p W v w   hi<=ijuv -.j0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000-<=>?Q`jx{|}~  "#67MNYn  Mj 23-HK   <=-j000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000000@0000000000J0k0000J00B00B00J0000J0x0 00000J00J000 0 0 0 00  v @- h  "n Uih !h 8@0(  B S  ?;M_?$(RMSM4TMDMUM9&xxq q z ;;Cj     ,y BIIj   9*urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttagsState>*urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags PostalCode8*urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttagsCity=*urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags PlaceType=*urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags PlaceName9*urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttagsplace 4R%j j3@HGK##=DcjjG} 7+.P.h-;}nUa/.].@NWdBBJYjahpp^p`OJQJo(hHh@ @ ^@ `OJQJ^Jo(hHoh^`OJQJo(hHh^`OJQJo(hHh^`OJQJ^Jo(hHoh^`OJQJo(hHhPP^P`OJQJo(hHh  ^ `OJQJ^Jo(hHoh^`OJQJo(hH^`OJPJQJ^Jo(^`OJQJ^Jo(hHopp^p`OJQJo(hH@ @ ^@ `OJQJo(hH^`OJQJ^Jo(hHo^`OJQJo(hH^`OJQJo(hH^`OJQJ^Jo(hHoPP^P`OJQJo(hHh^`OJQJo(hHh^`OJQJ^Jo(hHohpp^p`OJQJo(hHh@ @ ^@ `OJQJo(hHh^`OJQJ^Jo(hHoh^`OJQJo(hHh^`OJQJo(hHh^`OJQJ^Jo(hHohPP^P`OJQJo(hHh@ @ ^@ `OJQJo(hHh^`OJQJ^Jo(hHoh^`OJQJo(hHh^`OJQJo(hHh^`OJQJ^Jo(hHohPP^P`OJQJo(hHh  ^ `OJQJo(hHh^`OJQJ^Jo(hHoh!!^!`OJQJo(hH @ 0@ ^@ `0hH. ^`hH. pp^p`hH. @ @ ^@ `hH. ^`hH. ^`hH. ^`hH. ^`hH. 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