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Adjournment 2007-2008 Student Senate Meeting Minutes from March 11, 2008 Presiding: Jennifer Anzuena Members Present: Irene Ayoola Brian Brateris Jyron Brooks Kevin Devine Jasmine Harley Dawn Leiser John Livres Chantal McClary Katie McVeigh John Odoardo Ashley Pero Danielle Sanzone Lee Smith Tracey Smith Derek Simmons Sara Sterling Xilena Viana Members Absent: Krystle Alleyne* Venetta Benjamin Jerry Cupples* Larry Daniels* William Elmore Chimere Lake Michael McManus* Sammy Sanchez *Notified Chair Members Late: Duanaya Williams* Agenda/Business: Jennifer called the meeting to order. Senators who were absent or late were noted. Ashley moved to approve the minutes of the February 26, 2008 meeting, seconded by Dawn. Motion Passed: 17-0-1* *Senator Abstained: Jennifer Anzuena Presidents Report: Jennifer Anzuena Jennifer started off her report by announcing that the Distinguished Lecture Series featuring Erin Brockovich will be held on March 25th and the Undecided Fair on March 26th. Vice Presidents Report: John Odoardo John thanked everyone that participated in Circle Ks volleyball tournament. Committee Reports: Finance John began by stating that the committee completed their evaluation of annual club budgets for 2008-09. The Equestrian Club submitted a supplemental in the amount of $600 to continue their horseback riding lessons. John moved to approve the supplemental, seconded by Dawn. Motion passed: 17-0-1* *Senator Abstained: Jennifer Anzuena Duanaya arrived at this time The Student Senate submitted a supplemental in the amount of $4,085 to cover the cost of Spirit Week. Spirit Week this year is the week of April 14-19. John moved to approve the supplemental, seconded by Katie. Motion passed: 17-0-2* *Senators Abstained: Jennifer Anzuena and Brian Brateris School Spirit Brian stated that the committee met with the Finance Committee regarding the supplemental for Spirit Week. Public Relations Jasmine reported that the committee discussed advertising for the upcoming Senate and Board of Trustees elections. Jasmine then stated that they will begin advertising for the Distinguished Lecture Series once they get the flyers completed in Graphics. Student Welfare Chantel announced that the committee is working on the following issues: The shuttle drivers change shifts between 12:35 and 12:40, which leaves students who are trying to get to their 12:45 classes waiting for a long time. The students who are leaving their 12:35 classes also have to wait. More parking tickets given this semester and less parking spaces, why the crack down on parking? Inconsistent internet on campus (in dorms and other areas) More monitors in the gallery should be tuned to CNN or CNBC. There is only one printer in the library There is no London Financial Times paper in the library Vending machines are too expensive Request to start a wrestling team Financial aid process regarding refund checks is too slow Cost of student ID is too high Cable in dorms/apartments (digital) Vendor and food issues Academic Policies Jyron stated that the committee is getting ready for the 2nd Undecided Fair, which will be held Wednesday, March 26, 2008 from 10 a.m. 3 p.m. in the I-wing gallery. All clubs and academic divisions were invited to represent their major. Jyron then addressed his disappointment with the response to the petitions regarding the drop/add policy. He encouraged senators to get their petitions filled out because the committee cannot address the issue if there is no concern from the students. Announcements/Comments from the Public: A representative from the Argo thanked the senate for passing the supplemental that funded their trip to the Associated Collegiate Press National College Newspaper Convention in San Francisco, CA. A representative from Idols of the Tribe thanked the senate for passing the supplemental that funded their trip to the 2008 Literature and Creative Writing National Conference. A representative from Water Watch thanked the senate for passing the supplemental that funded their Environmental Forum. Glenn Miller, Chief of Police, wished everyone a good, safe spring break. Adjournment: Jennifer adjourned the meeting at 4:56 p.m. ;=QX^v|~O Y Z _ o t w  * 2 8 : D X i u v ɹɵɵɱɱŭɨɊ}x h2[ \h2[ hq1\hR hR\ hoYG\ ho\ hF\ h%\ hO\ h("\hCh<+hOh|chf(hoh("hFhFCJ(aJ( hF5CJ hf(5CJ0 ho5CJ0 hF5CJ0 hF5CJ( hF5CJ@,-<=>?$$F$$+F$$F< # $ 7 8 N O p^pgdF & FgdF ^`gdF$a$gdFgdFO Z o  $a$gd("$a$gdFp^pgdF ^`gdFgdF p^p`gdO * 9 : W X v  ( 8 ^`gdEJ ^`gdf( ^`gda ^`gdq1 ^`gdgdq1gdRgdF$a$gdF   ( 8 E S T d e t u v ΋ʂ{wrkf hM0<\ h2[ ha ha\hM0< h2[ h2[ hR\h2[ hq1hah2[ mHsH hahq1hq1mHsHhahf(mHsHhahRmHsHhW7 h9a-h9a-hf(hahxgz hHhhhq1h\ h2[ \hR h\hh\(8 F T d e   @ A  D E k l gd?gdOugdF ^`gd2)ngd2[ gdq1gdf(gdR ^`gdq1 ^`gda     ) * + ; < @ A Q R Z [   Ŀ绶{wh^dhch`vhhxBhohah$hPvh Th{8 h.h$h1,hRhF hF\hA] h2[ \h2[ h2[ \ hR\hahq1mHsH hhq1hf(h2[ hxgzhq1hM0<hq1 hq1\-    3 C D E Y Z j k l t  BCD~w~rnhw| hw|\ hY5\ hw|5\ h5\ h`}hF h~5\ hF5\hhyhM0<hM0<5hM0<hGhGH*hGhahPvh^(hD hR5 hOu5hOuhF5 ha5hOuhRh6hFh Th 0(l BC(+ ()gdw| ^`gdp`pgdw| gdV$a$gd`}gdp`pgdM0<gdM0<p`pgd (*+.  &()*<Nabcdqrsv7U~w hvh4Md h4Mdh4Md hz55 h4Md5hhP[h /he* hF5\ h5\hYhP[\ hw|hP[ hP[\h hhVhhWh'[hIhhYhVhI5\hw|h Thw|hw|\.)cdrsjk  XY89p`pgd\(gdygd / 7$8$H$gd4Mdgde* ^`gdgdp^pgdgdP[7   WX\89+JZ89:NWZbd~ԹԬЎhyhyH*h hy5\ h$hyhUhyh4MdOJQJ^JhyOJQJ^Jh4|hyOJQJ^Jhy h4|hyh / hF5\ h4Md5\ hD5\hFjhe*h4Md6JK:;de1$gdy1$gde*1$gd ^`gdgdgd /gdy#&^|  "./267;<žѝhhphZIhqh1,hehF hF5hZ4 h Zh'h0hlwhSh- hY[5 h95 hk5hUchF5 h ~5 hyh ~hyh\(+45<gd3p`pgdSgdUc ,1h/ =!"#$% @@@ FNormalCJ_HaJmH sH tH :@: F Heading 1$@&5\DA@D Default Paragraph FontRiR  Table Normal4 l4a (k(No ListHH M Balloon TextCJOJQJ^JaJJOJ +2 titletext1CJOJQJ^JaJo(phHC@H Body Text Indent p`paJe@" tHTML Preformatted7 2( Px 4 #\'*.25@9CJOJQJ^JaJNg@1N tHTML TypewriterCJOJPJQJ^JaJB^@BB H Normal (Web)dd[$\$<>-<=>?Q_iwz{|}~  #$78NOZo*9:WXv (8FTde@ADEklBC(+ ( ) c d r s j k X Y 8 9   J K :;de45>00000000000000000000~0~0~0~0~0~0~0~0~0~0~0~0~0~0~0~0~0~0~0~0~0~0~0~0~0~0~ 0~000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000-<=>?Q_iwz{|}~  #$78NOZo*9:WXv (Tde@ADkl(+ ( r 8  J :;de>000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000000@00000000000@0@00@0@000000000000J0k0J0k000000000J0000J0x0 00@00@00@00@00@00@00@00@00@ 00@ 00J00 Ė@ 00J00 J03000J00lJ00J000 00 00 0 00  7<O  8 l )<<8@0(  B S  ? 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