ĢƵ News - April 15, 2022


Judith Copeland, John Boyle, Arnaldo Cordero-Roman, Shelly Myers, Jean Abbott, Mathew Landau and Leamor KahanovRetiring Faculty Get the Last Word

Andy Warhol predicted that we would each have 15 minutes of fame.

On April 1, his prediction came true as retiring ĢƵ professors got 15 minutes in the spotlight at the in the Campus Center.

“This is to honor your retirement,” said Provost Leamor Kahanov in her opening remarks. “We are glad we had the opportunity to hear what you have to say and honor the time you have been here at ĢƵ.”

Last Lecture, an inaugural event at ĢƵ, was presented to give retiring faculty a chance to talk about anything they wanted.

Six longtime faculty members – each with decades of teaching experience – stepped up to the microphone.

ĢƵ Maintains A- Rating with Fitch

ĢƵ has maintained its with Fitch Ratings, the company announced April 8, noting that the rating outlook is stable.

In its press release, Fitch said: “ĢƵ's market position and student demand remain solid despite a softer Fall 2021 admissions cycle and a moderate drop in total enrollment. While the pandemic has driven smaller incoming classes and weaker retention through Fall 2021, such pressure has been less severe than certain peer institutions, and the University appears on track to improve its incoming Fall 2022 class with a return to effectively full housing occupancy. Fitch expects ĢƵ will return to its pre-pandemic trend of steady, manageable growth in the next few years.”

Hudson County College Joins Transfer PartnershipHudson County College Joins Transfer Partnership

ĢƵ has signed a dual admission and transfer partnership with Hudson County Community College that will help students make a smooth transition from the two-year college to ĢƵ’s bachelor’s degree program.

The five-year agreement strengthens the relationship between ĢƵ and HCCC by offering multiple opportunities for students to seamlessly pursue associate and bachelor’s degrees at the two institutions of higher education.

Poll: Minority Voters More Moderate on Issues

As progressive and moderate factions battle for influence in the Democratic Party, a new ĢƵ of New Jersey adults shows that key Democratic constituencies – Black, multiracial and Hispanic voters – are more moderate on a host of issues than the overall party.

Minority voters mostly still supported liberal positions on issues tested in the poll of 933 New Jersey registered voters of all partisan affiliations. But the percentages supporting the more liberal positions were consistently at least a few percentage points lower than the entire Democratic Party and a few points higher for the more moderate positions.


There's Still Time to Volunteer for Community Day Cleanup

In celebration of the University’s 50th Anniversary, ĢƵ is partnering with the City of Atlantic City and several City Neighborhood Associations and other supporters for a massive  from 11 a.m.-4 p.m. on Saturday, April 23. 

Faculty and staff can volunteer during the event by filling out this .


Physical Therapy Students Receive Their White CoatsPhysical Therapy Students Receive Their White Coats

The ĢƵ School of Health Sciences a Commitment to the Profession Ceremony April 6 for 30 students in the Doctor of Physical Therapy program.

Speakers at the event were Thomas P. Nolan Jr., associate professor of Physical Therapy, Leamor Kahanov, provost & vice president of Academic Affairs, and Brent Arnold, dean of the School of Health Sciences.

The keynote speaker was Lee Ann Guenther, associate professor of Physical Therapy in ĢƵ’s School of Health Sciences.


what's trending - april 15, 2022 We missed seeing your smiles! It's been a while, Ospreys!

 A new student Residence Hall is bringing six stories of apartment style rooms to Atlantic City in 2023.

 Commencement is officially six weeks away! 


ĢƵ Edges Kean 14-13ĢƵ Edges Kean 14-13

Men’s Lacrosse: ĢƵ Kean University 14-13 in a key conference matchup on April 13. Reegan Capozzoli and Dante Poli led the Ospreys with four goals each, as ĢƵ won their fifth straight game.

woman golfingĢƵ Hosts NJCU at Seaview

Women’s Golf: ĢƵ New Jersey City in a dual match April 12 on the Pines course at Seaview Golf Club. The Ospreys posted a team score of 417 and NJCU did not have the necessary four golfers required for a team total.

Ella van Schalkwyk played the top round in the field of eight with a career-best 92, highlighted by a 43 on the par-35 back nine. van Schalkwyk made four pars on the day. Tamara Farrow also recorded her best college score with a 105 for second place. Farrow was consistent, with a 53 on the front nine and a 52 on the back.


🗓️ View the full schedule of upcoming athletic events .


COVID-19 Information 

😁&Բ; MASK UPDATE: The University is now mask optional. Faculty may continue to require masks in their classes. KN95 and surgical masks remain available at the Campus Center Information Desk, Wellness Center, Division offices, the library, and off-site ĢƵ locations. Details are in the . 

💉 BOOSTER REQUIREMENT: Employees are now required to receive a COVID-19 booster dose. Use the Employee tab in the Portal to update your or submit to Joyce.Wilson@stockton.edu in the Office of Human Resources so that your status can be confirmed. Should you have any questions, contact Mamta.Patel@stockton.edu.  

💉 VAX UP!: AtlantiCare will hold COVID-19 vaccine clinics in West Quad 103 through May 2. Boosters are available. Details and dates are on the COVID-19 .  


Resources for Faculty and Staff

The Office of Human Resources announced a series of employee training and development opportunities for 2022. Visit for a calendar of the opportunities available, and for descriptions of the specific trainings and development offerings. 

🧠 ĢƵ provides faculty and teaching staff with professional development, training, teaching ideas, resources and individual consultations via the Center for Teaching and Learning Design. Upcoming events include: , , April 18; and , April 22. Visit  for more offerings and information.


NOTICE: 2022 Annual Tuition Hearing

Each year before adopting a tuition and fee schedule, the University is required by New Jersey statute to hold a tuition and fee hearing. The hearing is intended to provide the Board of Trustees with an opportunity to hear the views of the University community. 

This year feedback is being solicited via a Qualtrics survey that can be accessed , now through April 27. Your feedback will help inform fiscal year 2023 budgetary decisions.


📧 Add Yourself to Stocktalk

Stocktalk is an email discussion forum where ĢƵ employees are able to share a number of topics including birth announcements and obituaries; scholarly tips, tricks and recommendations; approved survey announcements and faculty/staff book releases. 

If you would like to join the Stocktalk Distribution Group to receive Stocktalk emails, log into your Outlook account in your web browser and follow  located under “Adding/Removing Yourself From Distribution Groups.” 

ĢƵ Sentiments and Memories . . .

arts and sciences building

"I remember no matter what building I was in, I could always slip away to study, read, draw, anything I wanted to. ĢƵ gave me an amazing space to do what I wanted to and needed to.

I remember the first time I went to the Arts and Sciences building. The building is evenly split between the visual arts and the earth sciences, with comfy couches and student and professional artwork throughout the building."

- Patricia Dansby ‘80


Have a memory you'd like to share in celebration of ĢƵ's 50th anniversary? Submit it . 




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