Gerontology Internships
Internship Leading Faculty:
Professor Christine A. Gayda, Ph.D.
Gerontology Internship (GERO 3900) Requirements
- Must be a junior or senior
- Must have completed three (3) GERO courses*

*Exceptions are considered on a case-by-case basis.
The required ‘co-seminar’ for this internship/ field placement is asynchronous on Blackboard. (However, a mandatory synchronous/Zoom orientation occurs on the first Thursday of the semester from 4:30-5:30pm. One or two other synchronous Zoom sessions are also scheduled during the semester at a time when all can attend).
Before proceeding to the application step:
- Read our “Syllabus” carefully. Requirements are somewhat intensive, but they create the best opportunity for a successful experience.
- Read Chapter 1 and Chapter 2 of our required textbook “The Gerontology Field Placement: Internship & Practicums in Aging” (Karasik, Donorfia & Greenberg, 2023)
- Identify 3-5 specific sites of interest. In your meeting with Elyse Smith, additional options can be discussed. Please don’t delay submitting your application (Step 1 on Internship Webpage).
Complete the Spring 2025 application:
In addition to following the instructions on the SOBL internship home page, you must:
Tour Approved Placement Sites
After meeting with the internship coordinator, tour the approved sites. Be sure to ask questions and get a complete understanding of what you would be doing for the 120 hours should you be accepted and choose to work at this placement site. This is probably the MOST important step in the whole process.
Complete The Student Agreement Form
Once a site is selected, carefully complete the . You must spell all names correctly, capitalize everything appropriately, provide complete addresses, accurate phone numbers and e-mail addresses. If you fail to do this you may be barred from registering or lose one half course grade.
Contact The Internship Agencies
As soon as the stuent agreement is approved, contact both the agency you selected and any that you did not select. (Thank those that you did not select for their time and willingness to consider you but indicate that you found another placement opportunity that seemed to better match your educational and career goals. Tell the one you’ve selected that you look forward to your experience, and make arrangements/appointment for your first day ‘on the job’.)
Obtain New, Used or Online Digital Version of the 8th (or latest) Edition of the Internship Textbook
Make sure that you’ve obtained a new, used or online digital version of the 8th (or latest) edition of our textbook at least 3 weeks before the term begins. Chapter reviews begin to be due 2 ½ weeks before the first day of each term unless otherwise noted.
Submit chapter reviews one at a time in the Assignment links provided in our Blackboard Course. By submitting on-time, you will receive feedback designed to help you make corrections to subsequent reviews. Students who are careful and follow feedback generally receive average score ranging from 92%-97%, a great way to start the semester! (See Guidelines for details).
***A 120 day rental of the book from is about $60.00, a good choice.
Attend A Mandatory Orientation Session
Attend a mandatory orientation session (in-person or by Zoom). Details and/or Zoom links will be provided by the professor to all enrolled students.
When in doubt, ASK QUESTIONS. Email SOBL's Coordinator of Community Experiences & Academic Internships:
Student Testimonials
From the beginning stages of finding the right placement site, to the constructive feedback you’ve given on every post and every assignment, I really do want to send out a huge thank you for everything you have done for us! I’m so glad to say with you and my supervisor, you made this the best experience I’ve had as an undergraduate.

I would 100% recommend an internship or field placement to other students. I knew ahead of time that I was going to learn a lot more than I could in a classroom setting and now that I have completed my internship, I realized that I have learned much more than I thought I ever could as an undergraduate student.