“Woman must not depend on the protection of man but must be taught to defend herself.”
Susan B. Anthony
The crime of rape is reported so infrequently that society in general is oblivious
to its magnitude. Until it happens to them or someone they know and love, it’s just
another headline, or just another crime that happens to someone else.
Be Aware of These U.S. Statistics
- 1 in 4 college women surveyed are victims of rape or attempted rape
- 85% of rapes on campus are acquaintance rapes
- 1 in 6 female college students reported having been a victim of rape or attempted rape during the preceding year
- 27% of women have experienced a rape or attempted rape since age 14
The R.A.D. System is a program of realistic, self-defense tactics and techniques. It is a comprehensive course for women that begins with awareness, prevention, risk reduction and avoidance, while progressing on to the basics of hands-on defense training.
Students are provided with a manual that outlines the entire physical defense program for reference and continued personal growth. The widespread acceptance of this system is primarily due to the ease, simplicity and effectiveness of our tactics, solid research, legal defensibility and unique teaching methodology.
The R.A.D. Systems is dedicated to teaching women defensive concepts and techniques against various types of assault, by utilizing easy, effective and proven self-defense tactics. Through education and repetition, it will provide a woman with the knowledge to make an educated decision about resistance.
With more than 300,000 women trained since the program began in 1989, R.A.D. Systems is the country’s largest and fastest growing self-defense program for women and children. The R.A.D. Systems curriculum is taught at over 400 Colleges and Universities across the United States and Canada, and is the only self defense program ever to be endorsed by the International Association of Campus Law Enforcement Administrators (IACLEA). R.A.D. is an international alliance of thousands of instructors united in offering practical options for responding to increasing acts of violence against women.
Finally, a physical defense program for women that:
- Has established the standard for female self-defense programs
- Offers no-nonsense, practical techniques of defense
- Researched the effects of "The Fight or Flight Syndrome"
- Offers advanced self-defense courses that build upon the physical defense system
- Provides realistic and dynamic hands on training
- Provides students with a comprehensive Reference Manual
- Certifies Instructors from the community
- Offers state of the art programs at reasonable rates
- Every student receives a lifetime membership.
R.A.D. classes are offered at no charge to ĢƵ students, faculty and staff. Click here for scheduled class dates and time.
See the link below for frequently asked questions. Please contact Officer Tracy Stuart at ĢƵ Police Department to sign up for classes or to receive additional information.
Frequently Asked Questions
The entire R.A.D. class runs 12 hours long. This is broken up into 4 sessions. Each session typically runs for four consecutive weeks on the same day of the week.
While there is no set amount of students for each class, we do limit class size to ensure that each participant feels comfortable and is able to receive proper instruction.
Class times will be varied due to demand and actual participation. An example of the offered class times might be 5-9pm or 12-4pm.
Participation in each session is necessary to "complete" the class and receive your pass to any future R.A.D. classes held throughout the United States, free of charge.