Club Connect: Meet the... QTPOCS

Mo Keane and Rikin Patel of QTPOCS at the Get Involved Fair; both are standing in behind a table and posterboard that says "QTPOCS: The lives and experiences of QTPOCSs are centered here!"

Mo Keane and Rikin Patel of QTPOCS at the Get Involved Fair.

Galloway, N.J.- In the spring of 2021, the Queer & Trans People of Color Society (QTPOCS) blossomed into fruition as a place for queer and trans people of color and allies to find community.

Dalia Moamed, president of QTPOCS, began the club from a place of frustration and loneliness. “There weren’t people like me who were represented in our school, nor did we have a space to come together as a community, meet one another openly and advocate for each other,” Moamed explained.

“We want to be able to talk openly about the issues we face as queer people of color and really make sure that our identities [are honored],” said Mo Keane, public relations chair.

According to Rikin Patel, QTPOCS’s treasurer, most meetings can be described as a giant conversation. He explained the importance of support and advocacy and that members are always invited to add on to the discussion and share their experiences.

So far, the club has partnered with many on-campus organizations and hosted numerous events such as a flag raising, tea party, game nights, bracelet making and more, all while raising visibility for queer issues.

They will also be hosting in collaboration with (SET) on Thursday, Oct. 20, at 6:30 p.m. in the Campus Center Event Room. The event will include modeling, comfort food and other student organizations tabling throughout the night.

QTPOCS meets biweekly on Wednesdays at 7 p.m. Students interested can join on  and can follow the club on Instagram . 

-Story and photo by Julyanna Deauna