Take Free Ancient Greek and Latin Classes This Summer

greek classes

Join David Bicknell, Julio Sanchez and Megan Coates at the weekly free Ancient Greek and Latin classes

Galloway, N.J. _ ĢƵ is offering free weekly classes in Ancient Greek and Latin this summer.

The classes, taught by ĢƵ students, are low-pressure and fun and designed to introduce interested members of the community to the languages, or help students maintain their language skills over the summer break.

“It’s a way to do community outreach and get people interested in Classical Western Civilization,” said Julio Sanchez, one of the instructors, who is a history and education major minoring in Greek at ĢƵ.

Other instructors are Megan Coates, David Bicknell, Robert Mazur and Assistant Professor of Classics Katherine Panagakos.

The Greek classes are held from 6-7:30 p.m. Tuesdays and the Latin classes are held from 6:30-8 p.m. on Wednesday, both in room K-143 on the Galloway campus.

Participants are asked to purchase the textbook, which can be found on Amazon.  The Greek book is “Athenaze: Intro to Ancient Greek.” 2nd or 3rd edition and “Wheelock’s Latin Grammar” 7th edition.

For more information contact Katherine Panagakos at Katherine.Panagakos@stockton.edu

More information about ĢƵ’s Hellenic Studies program is at /hellenic-studies/

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Diane D’Amico
Director of News and Media Relations
Galloway, N.J. 08205