November 2024 Snapshots


LIGHT Snapshots

November 2024

In LIGHT of the data.

Despite another record run from internet gaming, brick and mortar gaming held the top seat once more for Atlantic City's casino operators, representing the largest share of total gaming revenue at nearly $224 million for the month compared to $214 million from internet gaming and $66 million from sports wagering.

Internet gaming revenues exceeded last month's record high ($213 million) and captured more than $200 million in revenue for the third consecutive month. Statewide sports betting revenue increases for the month (approximately 24% over November 2023) were due to an increase in hold (9.0% compared to last year's 6%) as handle decreased 24.5% for the month ($1.22 billion) compared to November 2023 ($1.62 billion). At $556.9 million, state total gross gaming revenue for the month increased 15.4% over November 2023 ($482.4 million) and casino only total gross gaming revenue at $503.9 million increased 20.3% over November 2023 ($418.9 million) continuing a positive trend.

The calendar fell in the casino operators' favor this month with two additional weekend days compared to 2023. That will not be the case in December, when operators will have two fewer weekend days compared to the prior year. While monthly numbers give us a snapshot of the industry, and the year as it develops (fluctuating with favorable and unfavorable calendar breaks such as we see this month and next), year-to-date figures give us a better impression of long-term trends. 

At $2.59 billion for the year-to-date, 2024 brick and mortar casino revenue is currently 1.1% behind 2023 ($2.62 billion). Given the unfavorable calendar for December 2024, it would have to be an exceptional month for Atlantic City's casinos to surpass 2023 for total year-end brick-and-mortar revenue in 2024. Totalgross gaming revenue for casino operators, however, is on track for another impressive year at $5.21 billion already in the year to date compared to year-to-date November 2023 ($4.8 billion) and year-end 2023 ($5.24 billion). 

Atlantic City Gaming Win & Total Casino Revenue


Monthly Revenue (Casino Licensees, $ In Thousands

November 2024

% Change from Prior Year November 2023 YTD


% Change from Prior Year YTD   2023
Casino Gaming Win 223,948 4.2% 214,932 2,585,754 -1.1% 2,615,467
Internet Gaming Win 214,022 24.7% 171,591 2,159,153 23.8% 1,743,434
Sports Wagering Revenue 65,897 103.4% 32,394 462,609 10.3% 419,236
Total Gaming Win (includes Internet & Sports Wagering) 503,868 20.3% 418,917 5,207,516 9.0% 4,778,136
Quarterly Revenue (Industry, $ In Millions)** Q3 2024 % Change from Prior Year Q3 2023 YTD September 30, 2024 % Change from Prior Year YTD September 30, 2023
Casino $431.61 -0.4% $433.5 $1,263.01 -0.7% $1,272.122
Rooms $238.33 -9.4% $263.11 $569.15 -2.3% $582.39
Food & Beverage $165.13 -2.4% $169.14 $439.40 -0.0% $439.24
Entertainment & Other $108.10 1.9% $106.03 $271.30 6.97% $253.62
Casino Licensees Total Net Revenue $943.16 -2.9% $971.78 $2,542.85 -0.2% $2,547.38
Gross Operating Profit (GOP) $242.86 -13.6% $281.21 $576.64 -8.8% $632.13

** Data agregated from New Jersey Division of Gaming Enforcement for individual properties, includes amended totals as of November 22, 2024. May not match totals from which represent a 'snapshot' of data at the time of publication and are not retroactively updated. 

Atlantic City Hotel Lodging


Casino Hotel Lodging Statistics
For the Period Ended
September 30, 2024 & 2023
Q3 2024 Q3 2023 YTD 2024 YTD 2023
Occupancy percentage 84.1% 86.6% 74.1% 75.2%
Average Daily Room Rate (ADR) $201.08 $217.70 $182.97 $185.61
Revenue Per Available Room (RevPAR)* $169.20 $186.39 $135.64 $139.51

* RevPAR= ADR X Occupancy Percentage

Atlantic City Casino Operator Taxes & Fees


Total Paid Taxes & Fees

231,340 211,573,000 9.34%

Taxes & Fees

Q3 2024 Q3 2023

Casino Gaming Gross Revenue Tax

 $50,609,000 $51,364,000 -1.47%

Internet Gaming Gross Revenue Tax

$90,330,000 $70,998,000 27.23%

Sports Wagering - Retail Gross Revenue Tax

(includes racetracks)

$942,000 $763,000 23.46%

Sports Wagering - Internet Gross Revenue Tax

(includes racetracks)

$32,493,000 $33,546,000 -3.14%
Investment Alternative Tax/CRDA Obligations $25,017,000 $22,043,000 13.49%
1.25% Additional Tax $1,775,000 $2,131,000 -16.66%
1.25% EDT $ 1,494,000 $1,223,000 22.16%
Luxury Tax $ 15,129,000 $15,724,000 -3.78%
Tourism Promotion Fee $2,530,000 $2,559,000 -1.09%
Hotel Room Fee $ 3,555,000 $3,625,000 -1.90%
Hotel Room Surcharge $2,370,000 $2,418,000 -1.99%
Parking Fees $5,092,000 $5,179,000 -1.66%

Atlantic City Casino Operator Spending

Source: - Member Reported

Total $154,678,000 $183,102,000 -15.5%

Purchase of Goods and Services From New Jersey Vendors

(By County)

Q2 2024 Q2 2023 % Change
Atlantic  $100,051,000 $129,091,000 -22.5%
Bergen $2,542,000 $3,808,000 -33.3%
Burlington $3,859,000 $5,057,000 -23.7%
Camden $5,117,000 $6,243,000 -18.0%
Cape May $2,021,000 $2,834,000 -28.7%
Cumberland $5,585,000 $6,628,000 -15.7%
Essex $10,880,000 $5,005,000 117.4%
Gloucester $2,621,000 $2,269,000 15.5%
Hudson $621,000 $800,000 -22.4%
Hunterdon $28,000 $32,000 -12.0%
Mercer $3,690,000 $678,000 444.2%
Middlesex $3,425,000 $3,422,000 0.1%
Monmouth $2,689,000 $3,195,000 -15.8%
Morris $1,565,000 $1,285,000 21.8%
Ocean  $880,000 $1,413,000 -37.7%
Passaic $926,000 $777,000 19.1%
Salem $122,000 $81,000 50.3%
Somerset $2,630,000 $2,132,000 23.4%
Sussex $0 $10,000 -100.0%
Union $5,421,000 $7,258,000 -25.3%
Warren $4,000 1,000 245.4%

Other Spending

Q2 2024 Q2 2023 %
Capital Expenditures $47,678,000 $82,333,000 -42.1%
PILOT Contributions (Includes PILOT & additional payments under PILOT legislation) $29,788,000 29,126,000 2.3%
CRDA Special Improvement District $331,000 $314,000 5.3%
Municipal/Atlantic City Fees-  Water $1,253,000 $1,207,000 3.8%
Municipal/Atlantic City Fees- Sewer $3,445,000 $3,963,000 -13.1%

Municipal/Atlantic City Fees-

Other (permits, boardwalk seating, mercantile etc.)

$1,190,000 $1,229,000 -3.2%
Charitable Contributions $310,000 $333,000 -6.8%

Total Spending

$238,673,000 $301,606,000 -20.9%

Atlantic City Statistical Transportation Data


Travel Mode October
from Prior
from Prior


YTD  2023

AC Expressway
Total Toll-Paying Traffic
Pleasantville Toll Plaza
1,474,813  9.0% 1,352,586  15,402,227 1.4% 15,190,508
AC Airport
Scheduled Service Passengers 64,925 -3.4% 67,212 783,253 21.3% 645,977
Charter Passengers  10,525  -1.8% 10,719 109,631 -4.7% 114,985
Total Air Passengers 75,450 -3.2% 77,931  892,884 17.3% 760,962

Atlantic City Meetings and Conventions Data


  November '24 November '23 % Change
from Prior Year
2024 YTD
2023 YTD
% Change
from Prior Year
# of Shows 3 7 -57% 54 77 -30%
# of Room Nights 12,789 11,724 9% 101,653 107,212 -5%
# of Delegates 27,789 33,766 -20% 368,588 442,798 -17%
Delegate Spending $12,905,122 $12,945,912 0% $99,578,532 $110,972,799 -10%
Boardwalk Hall Bookings
# of Shows 3 3 0% 29 35 -17%
# of Attendees 20,913 21,766 -4% 138,482 176,997 -22%
Hotel Bookings
# of Shows 7 3 133% 134 112 20%
# of Room Nights 3,232 1,702 90% 97,766 83,986 16%
# of Attendees 4,455 1,200 271% 128,632 114,796 12%
Delegate Spending $2,583,738 $953,925 171% $64,030,980 $53,210,036 20%
Monthly Totals
# Convs_Trade_Mtgs / Boardwalk Hall / Hotel 13 13 0% 217 224 -3%
# of Room Nights 16,021 13,426 19% 199,419 191,198 4%
# of Attendees 52,528 56,732 -7% 635,702 734,591 -13%
Delegate Spending $15,488,860 $13,899,837 11% $163,609,512 $164,182,835 0%

*Includes Visit Atlantic City events booked at Boardwalk Hall

Atlantic City Information

As of November, 39 cannabis businesses have been approved in Atlantic City - As reported by , at a November meeting of the Board of Directors of the Casino Reinvestment Development Authority two additional cannabis businesses were approved in the city bringing the total to 39. The actual license to grow, sell or distribute cannabis comes from the Cannabis Regulatory Commission, which requires municipal approval as part of its application process. The city has not set a limit on how many cannabis businesses it will approve.

Atlantic City's Homeless Outreach Unit debuts new work program - As reported by , the Hope Work Initiative is providing 15-hour work weeks — five hours a day for three days — to 10 people the unit encountered during its daily homeless sweeps in the city. According to the they will work in the Public Works Beach and Boardwalk, Sanitation and Building Maintenance divisions.

Atlantic Shores, offshore wind company, to buy vacant lot along Albany Avenue - As reported by , offshore wind company Atlantic Shores is expected to purchase 1.5 acres of vacant land from Atlantic City for $1 million. The lot (1075 Albany Ave.) across from the city's public works facility would be used to access the underground cables, as a staging area and as a drilling area.

Beach replenishment plans announced for Atlantic City - As reported by , the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers will place 1.2 million cubic yards of sand to widen beaches in Atlantic City and neighboring shore towns. Atlantic City last received beach replenishment in 2020 and was due for more sand in 2023 before Congress failed to approve funding for the project. Funding approved in 2024 ($38.2 million) came too late for the summer 2024 season. Further reporting from and .

Casino Reinvestment Development Authority approves loan, grant to complete redevelopment of Morris Guards Armory site - As reported by , members of the Casino Reinvestment Development Authority voted to approve a $350,000 loan to developers of the former armory on New York Avenue. The funds will be used to purchase a vacant lot adjacent to the site to facilitate updates to the electrical infrastructure of the building. A grant of up to $150,000 was also awarded for the needed electrical upgrades. 

Sister Jean's Kitchen reopens, serves Thanksgiving meal for first time since 2018 - As reported by , , which was forced to close its hot food program in , reopened at its new location in the former St. Monica’s Roman Catholic Church at 108 N. Pennsylvania Ave. in . The organization offered its first Thanksgiving meal since 2018 on November 28. Sister Jean's Kitchen also runs a food pantry and other services.

 New Jersey Gaming News

BetMGM merges New Jersey and Michigan poker player pools - On November 6, announced the merger of its Michigan and New Jersey poker player pools. BetMGM celebrated the merger with the BetMGM Poker Online Championships, which ran from November 17 through December 1. Further reporting from  and .

Caesars launches Horseshoe Online Casino brand in New Jersey - According to, Caesars has launched Horseshoe Online Casino in New Jersey. According to a , Horseshoe Online Casino debuted in Michigan in October 2025. New Jersey is the fifth North American market for the platform.

New Jersey seeks to ban 'prop' bets on college athletes - As reported by , New Jersey state legislators are considering a bill that would ban proposition bets, commonly known as “props,” on what a particular athlete does or doesn’t do in a game. If the bill is passed, New Jersey would join 13 other states that ban such bets. Further coverage by and .

Virgin Online Casino, owned by Bally's, rebrands in New Jersey - As reported by , Virgin Casino NJ, one of the state's original online casino sites, has completed a rebrand to Monopoly Casino. The platform, now owned by Bally's, had generated $14.6 million year-to-date as of September 2024. 

Workers and supporters of smoke-free gambling halls demonstrate in Atlantic City - As reported by , a bill to end casino smoking has been stalled in the state Legislature for years without the state’s Democratic leadership allowing it to progress to full votes in the Senate and Assembly. On November 21, supporters of the bill demonstrated outside a hotel in Atlantic City where Gov. Phil Murphy was due to speak.

ĢƵ Atlantic City Summer Experience: Live-Work-Learn

 National Gaming News

Arizona 17th gaming jurisdiction to send owners of Bovada a cease and desist demand - As reported by , on December 3, the Arizona Department of Gaming sent Harp Media B.V., the parent firm of Bovada, a cease and desist demand. U.S. gaming regulators are cracking down on Bovada, an internet casino platform that facilitates unlawful gambling in the U.S., and similar Illegal online gambling websites operating from offshore territories.

Caesars Virginia opens December 12 - According to a November 7 , Caesars Virginia, a 587,000-square-foot casino resort with more than 90,000 square feet of gaming space, opened on December 12. The resort also includes a 320-room hotel tower, 50,000 square feet of meeting and convention space that also serves as a 2,500-seat live entertainment venue, full-service spa, pool, and a wide variety of dining, bars and lounges.

FanDuel co-founders launch cryptocurrency-powered casino and sportsbook - According to , the co-founders of FanDuel have launched BetHog, a cryptocurrency-powered casino and sportsbook. Due to "jurisdictional restrictions," the “global” platform is not available in the U.S. (the company is registered in Belize) and instead targets the Asian and Latin American markets. There are plans to gain access to the U.S. and U.K. markets in 2025.

Hard Rock opens Virginia's second permanent casino in Bristol - As reported by , Hard Rock Hotel & Casino Bristol opened on November 14. The $515 million resort is Virginia's second permanent casino. 

Live! Casino Pittsburgh celebrates four years, reconfigures gaming floor - As reported by , Live! Casino Pittsburgh celebrated its four-year anniversary with the announcement of new amenities and the opening of a high-limit gaming lounge. The first of four Category 4 satellite gaming properties ("mini-casinos") in Pennsylvania, Live! Pittsburgh has announced that it will invest about $7.5 million to reconfigure its gaming floor to better satisfy patrons.

Louisiana legislators consider increasing tax on sports betting, while Ohio legislators seek to lower it - According to , Louisiana legislators introduced a bill () which would increase the state's tax on sports wagering from 15% to 51%. Following a Ways and Means Committee hearing on November 18, the bill was withdrawn. , legislators considered a bill () that would return the sports betting tax to its original rate of 10% after it had been increased last year to 20%. Further reporting from .

MLB Players Inc. reaches agreement with FanDuel Sportsbook - As reported by , MLB Players Inc., a commercial affiliate of the Major League Baseball Players Association, announced that its reached a licensing agreement with FanDuel Sportsbook. The “nonexclusive product and marketing licensing agreement” resolves a lawsuit brought by MLB Players Inc. against FanDuel for using the names and likenesses of ballplayers without permission. 

New York governor vetoes bill to accelerate downstate casino process; casino development proposals continue to advance - As reported by , New York Gov. Kathy Hochul vetoed , which would have accelerated the New York Gaming Facility Location Board’s review timeline. Meanwhile, several of an $8 billion plan () to bring a Hard Rock Casino to Queens, while a a plan by Related Cos. and Wynn Resorts to build a casino hotel on Manhattan’s West Side. Las Vegas Sands’ proposal to build a casino hotel at Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum in Uniondale, N.Y. when the Nassau County Legislative Rules Committee unanimously voted to release the environmental impact study of the site. The next step for the $6 billion casino hotel plan is a public hearing. 

U.S. Online Gaming markets 'shine' in October 2025 - According to , as of November 27, 16 of the 26 online gaming markets that had reported October gaming figures set new single-month handle records for the month. Although revenue had declined across the board, same-state handle had increased 12% year-over-year for reporting markets. The nation's three largest online gaming markets, Michigan, New Jersey and Pennsylvania, saw mixed results in October. Handle in Michigan increased 6% to $583 million (the state's best October on record), however with a hold of 5.5% (the lowest since June 2022) revenue decreased by 30% to $32.2 million. In Pennsylvania, handle grew 4% to $858 million, however with a hold of 6.8% revenue for the month decreased 21% to $58.1 million. For comparison, handle in New Jersey decreased 13% resulting in $1.13 billion for the month. With a hold of 6.8%, revenue dropped 16% to $77.5 million for the month. 

Hospitality & Tourism News

Culinary Union begins open-ended strike at Virgin Hotels Las Vegas - As reported by and , on November 15, members of the Culinary Union began their first open-ended strike in over 22 years at Virgin Hotels Las Vegas. The present strike follows a . The Union and Virgin Hotels continue to negotiate a new five-year contract. According to the, the strike was still in effect as of December 3 making it the longest open-ended demonstration in decades along the Las Vegas Resort Corridor.

F1 returned to Las Vegas for 2024 Grand Prix - As reported by the and , Formula 1 racing returned to Las Vegas for the from November 21-23. The will take place November 20-22.

International Lifeguard Museum may be coming to Atlantic City - As reported by , the Casino Reinvestment Development Authority voted to approve a resolution allocating $30,000 to develop a plan for a proposed International Lifeguard Museum to be housed in a portion of Jim Whelan Boardwalk Hall. 

New Jersey Governor, Phil Murphy, signs into law legislation making outdoor dining permanent - According to a November 25 from the Governor's office, /, legislation making outdoor dining permissions, initially established during the COVID-19 pandemic, permanent for restaurants and certain alcoholic beverage retailers and manufacturers was signed into law. The permissions were set to expire November 30, 2024. Further reporting from . 

Ocean City residents hear plan for former Wonderland Pier site - As reported by , residents gathered at the Ocean City Library on November 25 to hear Eustace Mita (of Icona Resorts) present his proposal for a large-scale hotel at the site of the now closed Wonderland Pier. Plans included the preservation of some of the amusement park's iconic rides. The proposed hotel project could cost more than $135 million. Additional reporting from

Philadelphia's Xfinity Live! announces $15 million expansion - As reported by , Xfinity Live!, a joint entertainment development from Comcast and The Cordish Companies located near the Live! Philadelphia Casino, announced its first major expansion since opening in 2012. The $15 million project will convert a community plaza to a two-story building with an “upscale rooftop oasis” and include an open-air beer garden, a major expansion of the PBR Cowboy Bar, an upgraded turf area where special events, activities, and community activations will occur, a dedicated area where local food trucks will rotate, the implementation of state-of-the-art audio visuals and LED screens for optimal sports watching, and the installation of artworks that link the destination to the nearby community.

Spirit Airlines files for bankruptcy - As reported by and , Spirit Airlines officially filed for bankruptcy on November 18. The airline has lost more than $2.5 billion since the start of 2020 and faces looming debt payments totaling more than $1 billion in 2025 and 2026. The airline expects to continue normal operations during the reorganization process. 


LIGHT Snapshots is a publication of the Lloyd D. Levenson Institute of Gaming, Hospitality & Tourism, ĢƵ School of Business

Jane Bokunewicz, Ph. D., Faculty Director and Professor of Hospitality