December 2024 Snapshots


LIGHT Snapshots

December 2024

In LIGHT of the data.

In 2024, Atlantic City’s casino operators set a new record industry high for total annual gross gaming revenue surpassing last year’s record high of $5.24 billion by 8.7%. 2023 was the first time the industry exceeded the 2006 peak of $5.22 billion, although market conditions have evolved considerably since then.  
Strong wins in internet gaming revenues drove the city to its eighth consecutive year of year-over-year, total gross gaming revenue growth (exempting 2020/the pandemic) even as the mature brick-and-mortar market remained essentially flat following the pandemic’s disruptions. Gross gaming revenues however, are an imperfect predictor of the overall performance of an industry that incorporates so many additional experiences and amenities beyond gaming. We will have a better idea of the industry’s overall performance and its impact on the regional economy when the fourth quarter and year-end net revenue reports are released this spring. 

The December calendar did not fall favorably this year for Atlantic City operators, impacting comparisons of brick-and-mortar gaming revenues year-over-year for the month — which were essentially flat with a 0.3% decline year-over-year ($231.7 million in 2024 compared to $232.4 million in 2023). Internet gaming, which does not seem to be impacted by the number of weekends in the month in the same way that in-person gaming is, predictably showed a year-over-year increase for the month (26.5%). At $228 million, internet gaming realized its fourth consecutive month of greater than $200 million in revenue, and surpassed October 2024 ($213 million) and November 2024 ($214 million) to set a new single-month record. A 42.1% decline in year-over-year December sports wagering revenue for Atlantic City operators does not seem to have negatively impacted their overall gaming performance for the month. December 2024 was the strongest December in recent history in terms of total GGR – increasing 5.4% over December 2023.  

Notably, Atlantic City sports wagering gross revenue increased 4.5% for the year-ended 2024 compared to 2023, and the sports betting industry overall (including racetracks) saw a 6.7% year-over-year increase in handle (the amount of money wagered by gamblers at New Jersey sportsbooks) at year-end 2024 compared to 2023. This seems to indicate that this form of gambling activity has not yet peaked.
New Jersey was a fast mover when it came to innovative new gaming products, such as internet gaming, and the state seems to be reaping the benefits of this. The industry is evolving and changing. These new products are very popular and do not seem to have reached their peak. At the same time, brick-and-mortar revenues have been relatively flat. They are not showing signs of proportionate decline, which we’d expect if cannibalization were an issue. 
There appears to be an opportunity for both brick-and-mortar and online offerings to shape the future of Atlantic City’s casino gaming industry, but operators will need to stay on top of emerging trends and responsive to changes in customer preferences. Continuous innovation and reinvestment could be the “new normal” for the industry, which can no longer rely on established ways of doing business. 
Mindful of challenges on the horizon with incoming competition from New York, operators continue to invest in their properties and in-person gaming experiences to offer a world-class destination for patrons. While these investments may not translate into immediate profit gains, they could be seen as a safeguard against future market competition and disruption — of both the foreseen and unforeseeable variety. 

Beyond the performance and actions of the casino gaming industry, a concerted citywide effort to “up its game” in appealing to visitors is underway and will likely be critical to the resort’s future prosperity. 

Atlantic City Gaming Win & Total Casino Revenue


Monthly Revenue (Casino Licensees, $ In Thousands

December 2024

% Change from Prior Year December 2023 YTD


% Change from Prior Year YTD   2023
Casino Gaming Win 231,753 -0.3% 232,450 2,817,507 -1.1%  2,847,916
Internet Gaming Win 228,011 26.5% 80,308 2,387,164 24.1% 1,923,742
Sports Wagering Revenue 30,373 -42.1% 52,434 492,982 4.5% 471,670
Total Gaming Win (includes Internet & Sports Wagering) 490,137 5.4% 465,192 5,697,653 8.7% 5,243,328
Quarterly Revenue (Industry, $ In Millions)** Q3 2024 % Change from Prior Year Q3 2023 YTD September 30, 2024 % Change from Prior Year YTD September 30, 2023
Casino $431.61 -0.4% $433.5 $1,263.01 -0.7% $1,272.122
Rooms $238.33 -9.4% $263.11 $569.15 -2.3% $582.39
Food & Beverage $165.13 -2.4% $169.14 $439.40 -0.0% $439.24
Entertainment & Other $108.10 1.9% $106.03 $271.30 6.97% $253.62
Casino Licensees Total Net Revenue $943.16 -2.9% $971.78 $2,542.85 -0.2% $2,547.38
Gross Operating Profit (GOP) $242.86 -13.6% $281.21 $576.64 -8.8% $632.13

** Data agregated from New Jersey Division of Gaming Enforcement for individual properties, includes amended totals as of November 22, 2024. May not match totals from which represent a 'snapshot' of data at the time of publication and are not retroactively updated. 

Atlantic City Hotel Lodging


Casino Hotel Lodging Statistics
For the Period Ended
September 30, 2024 & 2023
Q3 2024 Q3 2023 YTD 2024 YTD 2023
Occupancy percentage 84.1% 86.6% 74.1% 75.2%
Average Daily Room Rate (ADR) $201.08 $217.70 $182.97 $185.61
Revenue Per Available Room (RevPAR)* $169.20 $186.39 $135.64 $139.51

* RevPAR= ADR X Occupancy Percentage

Atlantic City Casino Operator Taxes & Fees


Total Paid Taxes & Fees

231,340 211,573,000 9.34%

Taxes & Fees

Q3 2024 Q3 2023

Casino Gaming Gross Revenue Tax

 $50,609,000 $51,364,000 -1.47%

Internet Gaming Gross Revenue Tax

$90,330,000 $70,998,000 27.23%

Sports Wagering - Retail Gross Revenue Tax

(includes racetracks)

$942,000 $763,000 23.46%

Sports Wagering - Internet Gross Revenue Tax

(includes racetracks)

$32,493,000 $33,546,000 -3.14%
Investment Alternative Tax/CRDA Obligations $25,017,000 $22,043,000 13.49%
1.25% Additional Tax $1,775,000 $2,131,000 -16.66%
1.25% EDT $ 1,494,000 $1,223,000 22.16%
Luxury Tax $ 15,129,000 $15,724,000 -3.78%
Tourism Promotion Fee $2,530,000 $2,559,000 -1.09%
Hotel Room Fee $ 3,555,000 $3,625,000 -1.90%
Hotel Room Surcharge $2,370,000 $2,418,000 -1.99%
Parking Fees $5,092,000 $5,179,000 -1.66%

Atlantic City Casino Operator Spending

Source: - Member Reported

Total $154,678,000 $183,102,000 -15.5%

Purchase of Goods and Services From New Jersey Vendors

(By County)

Q2 2024 Q2 2023 % Change
Atlantic  $100,051,000 $129,091,000 -22.5%
Bergen $2,542,000 $3,808,000 -33.3%
Burlington $3,859,000 $5,057,000 -23.7%
Camden $5,117,000 $6,243,000 -18.0%
Cape May $2,021,000 $2,834,000 -28.7%
Cumberland $5,585,000 $6,628,000 -15.7%
Essex $10,880,000 $5,005,000 117.4%
Gloucester $2,621,000 $2,269,000 15.5%
Hudson $621,000 $800,000 -22.4%
Hunterdon $28,000 $32,000 -12.0%
Mercer $3,690,000 $678,000 444.2%
Middlesex $3,425,000 $3,422,000 0.1%
Monmouth $2,689,000 $3,195,000 -15.8%
Morris $1,565,000 $1,285,000 21.8%
Ocean  $880,000 $1,413,000 -37.7%
Passaic $926,000 $777,000 19.1%
Salem $122,000 $81,000 50.3%
Somerset $2,630,000 $2,132,000 23.4%
Sussex $0 $10,000 -100.0%
Union $5,421,000 $7,258,000 -25.3%
Warren $4,000 1,000 245.4%

Other Spending

Q2 2024 Q2 2023 %
Capital Expenditures $47,678,000 $82,333,000 -42.1%
PILOT Contributions (Includes PILOT & additional payments under PILOT legislation) $29,788,000 29,126,000 2.3%
CRDA Special Improvement District $331,000 $314,000 5.3%
Municipal/Atlantic City Fees-  Water $1,253,000 $1,207,000 3.8%
Municipal/Atlantic City Fees- Sewer $3,445,000 $3,963,000 -13.1%

Municipal/Atlantic City Fees-

Other (permits, boardwalk seating, mercantile etc.)

$1,190,000 $1,229,000 -3.2%
Charitable Contributions $310,000 $333,000 -6.8%

Total Spending

$238,673,000 $301,606,000 -20.9%

Atlantic City Statistical Transportation Data


Travel Mode November
from Prior
from Prior


YTD  2023

AC Expressway
Total Toll-Paying Traffic
Pleasantville Toll Plaza
1,367,839  1.0% 1,354,091  16,770,066  1.4% 16,544,599
AC Airport
Scheduled Service Passengers 74,685  -4.0% 77,811 857,938  18.5% 723,788 
Charter Passengers  9,219  25.4% 7,354 118,850  -2.9% 122,339 
Total Air Passengers 83,904 -1.5% 85,165 976,788 15.4% 846,127 

Atlantic City Meetings and Conventions Data


  December '24 December '23 % Change
from Prior Year
2024 YTD
2023 YTD
% Change
from Prior Year
# of Shows 11 13 -15% 65 90 -28%
# of Room Nights 2,168 4,721 -54% 103,821 111,933 -7%
# of Attendees 7,279 8,634 -16% 375,867 451,432 -17%
Delegate Spending $3,223,447 $5,376,521 -40% $102,801,979 $116,349,320 -12%
Boardwalk Hall Bookings
# of Shows 2 2 0% 31 37 -16%
# of Attendees 300 4,594 -93% 138,782 181,591 -24%
Hotel Bookings
# of Shows 8 6 33% 142 118 20%
# of Room Nights 5,061 4,040 25% 102,827 88,026 17%
# of Attendees 11,105 6,058 83% 139,737 120,854 16%
Delegate Spending $3,938,862 $2,614,966 51% $67,969,842 $55,825,002 22%
Monthly Totals
# Convs_Trade_Mtgs / Boardwalk Hall / Hotel 21 21 0% 238 245 -3%
# of Room Nights 7,229 8,761 -17% 206,648 199,959 3%
# of Attendees 18,684 19,286 -3% 654,386 753,877 -13%
Delegate Spending $7,162,309 $7,991,487 -10% $170,771,821 $172,174,322 -1%

*Includes Visit Atlantic City events booked at Boardwalk Hall

Atlantic City Information

Atlantic City Aquarium to reopen early 2025, says mayor - As reported by , during a State of the City Review, Mayor Marty Small Sr. said the aquarium, which has been closed since the 2020 COVID-19 shutdown, would reopen in early 2025. The facility's reopening has been postponed several times to date.  

Atlantic City receives more than $1 million in state grants to increase pedestrian safety and access to public transportation - As reported by , Atlantic City received $568,000 from the state’s Transit Village program for a pedestrian safety walkway to the Atlantic City Rail Station, and $557,130 from the state’s Safe Streets to Transit Program for safety improvements at Michigan and Atlantic avenues.

Collaborative effort to address homelessness in Atlantic City - As reported by that the “first-ever coordinated resource effort with the City of Atlantic City, nonprofit organizations, and health care providers is underway.” The plan is to end chronic homelessness through collaboration, enhanced services and housing over the next three years.

DEEM says financing is ready to begin development at Bader Field - As reported by, after entering into a memorandum of agreement nearly two years ago, DEEM Enterprises and Atlantic City have not reached a final agreement for the redevelopment of Bader Field. A representive of DEEM says financing is in place for the first phase of the project, estimated to cost $750 million, and that the company expects to present a letter of financial wherewithal to the city and enter into a final agreement before the end of the first quarter of 2025.

New skate park to replace abandoned tennis courts at Uptown School - As reported by , Atlantic City will get a second skate park in the Inlet in Summer 2025. plans to replace abandonded tennis courts at the Uptown School Complex with a skatepark - "giving children and young adults another safe space to hang out and learn a new sport." The project, which is expected to be completed in June 2025, will be supported by over $90,000 raised in a GoFundMe campaign, $70,000 provided by Atlantic City City Council, and $20,000 contributed by the nonprofit Inlet Community Development Corp.

Opponents of Atlantic Shores' offshore wind project petition to have issue put to a vote - As reported by , opponents of Atlantic Shores’ plan to build an offshore wind farm off of Atlantic City's coastline, led by , have collected 2,092 signatures on a petition to put a question on the 2025 ballot. The ballot question would have residents vote on whether to suspend Ordinance 74, passed Dec. 18 by a vote of 5-4, which grants permissions and easements to Atlantic Shores Offshore Wind Project 1 for the development of an offshore wind energy project.

Proposal for a new redevelopment zone in the district know as the Orange Loop - As reported by and recorded in the minutes of the , an ordinance intrducing a redevelopment plan for the Orange Loop Redevelopment Area was passed by City Council. The proposed plan was also "blessed" by the board of the Casino Reinvestment Development Authority (CRDA). The CRDA also lent its support to an amended plan for the Northeast Inlet and to the Ridley Lofts Redevelopment Plan.

 New Jersey Gaming News

Gaming regulators issue fines for sports betting violations - As reported by , DraftKings was fined $20,000, Rush Street Interactive NJ was fined $10,000 and technology company Kambi was fined $10,000 for violations that included taking bets on unauthorized events, and on games that had already ended.

New Jersey's Attorney Gerneral's Office announces action that would make it easer for individuals to ban themselves from casinos - As reported by , the Attorney General's Office that individuals seeking to self-exclude from gambling at brick-and-mortar casinos can now do so via the DGE website. This eliminates the need for them to physically travel to a location or schedule a video conference as part of the self exclusion process.

Workers, head of rival union call for Local 54 of the Unite Here president to step down - As reported by the , some Atlantic City casino workers and the head of United Auto Workers Region 9, which represents dealers at three Atlantic City casinos, have called for the president of the Atlantic City casino workers’ union, Donna DeCaprio, to resign over her position on the casino smoking ban. Local 54 of Unite Here, under DeCaprio's leadership, opposes efforts to enact a smoking ban in casinos citing the potential for multiple casino closures and job losses.

ĢƵ Atlantic City Summer Experience: Live-Work-Learn

 National Gaming News

Apple, Google named in lawsuits involving 'Sweepstakes Casinos' in New York and New Jersey - As reported by and , tech companies Apple and Google have been named in lawsuits involving so called "sweepstakes casinos." The New Jersey suit alleges the companies violated the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) Act by hosting sweepstakes casino apps. The New York suit alleges the companies participated in illegal gambling through their involvement with sweepstakes operator VGW, which is also named. VGW operates three of the more popular sweeps brands in the market (Chumba Casino, LuckyLand Slots and Global Poker) and has already received cease-and-desist letters from regulators in and Michigan.

Illinois legislators to propose bill that would authorize racino in Decatur - As reported by , a bill soon to be filed with the Illinois state legislature would authorize a license for harness racing in Macon County, of which Decatur is the seat. License candidate Virginia-based Revolutionary Racing has pledged to invest $150 million in a Decatur project, which would include a casino, harness track, and 60,000-square-foot sports complex. Representatives of Revolutionary Racing estimate the project would create 300 permanent jobs and generate up to $27 million in taxes. 

Manhattan Community Board 4 votes unanimously to reject the zoning changes needed by Related Cos. and Wynn Resorts to bring a casino hotel to Manhattan - As reported by , while largely symbolic, the New York State Gaming Commission (NYSGC) has the final say on the winners of the downstate casino licenses. The community board's rejection of the Related Cos. and Wynn Resorts plan dealt the project a blow. Eleven groups are currently vying for three New York City-area casino licenses, which are expected to be awarded in late 2025.

Pennsylvania Gaming Control Board proposes rule change that would make it easier for self-excluded gamblers to be reinstated - As reported by , the Pennsylvania Gaming Control Board is considering a change to the state's self-exclusion regulations. Currently to have their access rights restored after the expiration of their one- or five-year self-exclusion period, individuals must file a request to have their names removed from the self-exclusion list. If they do not file for removal from the list, they will remain on it indefinitely. Under the proposed rule change, individuals would be removed from the list automatically with out the need to submit a formal request. 

Virginia and Maryland file statutes to authorize online casino gambling - As reported by, legislators in and have put forward legislation for the legalization of online casino gambling. Licenses in each state would cost $1 million per five years, and the Virginia bill proposes taxing gross revenue from online casino websites and apps at 15%. 

Washington Post publishes deep dive on 'sweepstakes casinos' - As reported by , (paywall) features writer Rick Maese has presented "evidence suggesting that the grey gaming platforms prey on the vulnerable and provide no responsible play protections." Sweepstakes or "sweeps" casinos have faced pushback from regulators in several states, with some being issued cease-and-desist letters. The offshore entities, which gaming consultants Eilers & Krejcik estimated captured nearly $6 billion from American patrons in 2023, have proven difficult to prosecute. 

Hospitality & Tourism News

Greater Atlantic City Chamber announces cancellation of 2025 Atlantic City Airshow - As reported by , Airshow organizers have decided to "take a strategic pause" for 2025 with the hope of offering the event again in 2026.

LandShark Bar & Grill at Resorts Casino Hotel announces plans to open an outdoor stage - As reported by , LandShark Bar & Grill plans to open an outdoor stage for summer 2025. The restaurant's owners have applied to the Casino Reinvestment Development Authority for permission to build a covered entertainment stage measuring 18 feet by 36 feet, with a dance floor, tiki bar and other amenities. It is expected to be a multi-million dollar investment with hopes to open in time for Memorial Day weekend. 

Monopoly-themed boutique hotel comming to the Orange Loop - As reported by , developers have proposed a boutique hotel for the beach block of Tennessee Avenue to be called the "Top Hat." The completed project would offer ground-floor commercial space, six short-term rentals for a dozen guests, a rooftop deck and an oversized top hat that pays homage to the Monopoly board game based on Atlantic City’s streets and Boardwalk. Construction is expected to begin in early 2025. 

More than 34,000 passengers use American Airlines service out of Atlantic City International Airport - As reported by , Atlantic City International Airport officials are happy with the success of a two-year-old program that connects the regional airport to American Airlines flights out of Philadelphia via a bus service. As of early December, 34,019 passengers had used the service, which is an increase over the 2023 total of 31,831. Officials hope that the continued success of the program will bring American Airlines flights to the city - connecting it with one of the airline's service hubs in Miami, Charlotte or Chicago.

Netflix Studio project at Fort Monmmouth to receive tax credits approved by NJEDA - According to a from the New Jersey Economic Development Authority (NJEDA), a project that would establish Netflix’s flagship production location on the East Coast at Fort Monmouth was approved to receive Aspire tax credits. From the release: "Netflix Studio is considered a transformative project under the and was approved for an award not to exceed $387 million. The studio campus will be over 1 million square feet and sit on a 292-acre parcel at Fort Monmouth. The state-of-the-art production studio campus will include 12 soundstages, backlot areas, an office building, and other production support facilities. Netflix plans to open the full facility in 2028."

Showboat Family Entertainment Center to expand with help of NJEDA -  According to a from the NJEDA and as reported by ,  the Showboat Family Entertainment Center is expanding. The project, supported by a $4.2 million award that was approved by the NJEDA, will include an 18,000-square foot expansion to the Lucky Snake Arcade and Raceway, as well as the purchase and installation of additional arcade games and attractions. It will also include the construction of an open-air entryway along the Showboat’s Boardwalk facade, additional food and beverage outlets, installation of a 10-lane bowling alley, and a kids play area with private party rooms.

LIGHT Snapshots is a publication of the Lloyd D. Levenson Institute of Gaming, Hospitality & Tourism, ĢƵ School of Business

Jane Bokunewicz, Ph. D., Faculty Director and Professor of Hospitality