ITS Centralized Technology Replacement Program
Program Goals
💰 Financial Stability:
Predictable budgeting through planned computer replacement cycles.
˻️ Sustainability:
Standardized hardware specifications simplify maintenance and extend device lifespan.
⚖️ Equity:
Standardized technology ensures fair and equitable access to essential technology
across the university and provides consistent resources for all departments, faculty,
and staff.
A consistent, modern computing environment for all university users.
Primary Workstation Configuration
The program will supply all full-time employees with a primary workstation consisting of the following:
💻 Laptop & Dock – Enables seamless work transitions between office and remote locations.
🖥️ Two Wide-Screen Monitors – Provides expanded screen space for efficient multitasking.
⌨️ Wired Keyboard & Mouse – Delivers reliable, consistent performance for daily tasks.
🎥 Speaker & Webcam – Ensures high-quality audio and video for virtual meetings.
Annual Replacement Cycle
Each year, ITS will review and replace approximately 200 of the oldest computers on
campus with new devices.
🍂 Fall
ITS conducts comprehensive inventory audit to identify devices due for replacement.
❄️ Winter
Users receive personalized surveys to determine specific hardware requirements.
🌱 Spring
Survey responses are analyzed and equipment orders are finalized.
☀️ Summer
New equipment is configured and distributed across campus.
Frequently Asked Questions
Yes! The annual survey will provide recipients with an opportunity to give feedback on our recommendations and request any required adjustments.
Personalized requests that fall outside our standard offerings can still be ordered by individual departments. ITS maintains an inventory of used accessories and would be happy to assist whenever we can.
Please contact the ITS Help Desk so that we can help assess the situation and provide a solution. We want to ensure that everyone has a computer that meets their needs.
Old equipment will be redistributed or recycled.
Yes! Any purchases made on behalf of the university, such as those using faculty development funds, are assets that belong to the university and must adhere to all computer configuration and security standards.
Unfortunately, we're only able to provide you with equipment for your workspace on campus.
Everyone will be allocated one computer, with exceptions made for those who demonstrate a clear and functional business need for additional devices.
If you have any additional questions about the annual hardware replacement cycle, please contact the ITS Help Desk at 609-652-4309 or by email at