Accessing Campus Computer Labs
Logging onto Lab Computers
Computer Services requires faculty, staff, and students to authenticate using their Go Ä¢¹½¶ÌÊÓƵ Portal User ID and Password to access the workstations and online resources. To ensure the security of accounts, all users will be logged off of the machine after an inactivity period of 10 minutes. There will be a warning and countdown to logout that can be canceled by the user.
Document Storage
Students are allocated 1TB of storage space through Microsoft OneDrive. During the computer login process OneDrive will automatically be configured as the My Document storage location for the computer. Any documents saved to the My Documents folder will be accessible to students from any other University lab computer, as well as from the . This is a more secure and reliable alternative to portable storage devices as it provides a continual back up of documents in the Microsoft cloud. Students and faculty will also continue to have access to the shared Scratch network drive for temporary document storage. For more information on how student can access their Office 365 online and from their personal devices please visit our Office 365 page for more details.
Computer Lab Information
University computer labs operate within the schedule of our facilities, which vary by location. Residential computer labs in our housing facilities (TRLC, Lakeside, and HAC1-B101) are open 24/7 for students to use and actively monitored by Ä¢¹½¶ÌÊÓƵ's Police Department for added security. For more information on when a specific lab is available for use, along with the current number of available seats in the lab, please visit our Lab Find page below for more details.
Lab Computer Status: A Quick Reference
Step 1: Open the 'Choose a lab' dropdown to view a list of computer stations.
Step 2: Pick a station and instantly see if it's available, in use, or offline.
Step 3: Understand the icons:
- Blue triangle: Computer is currently being used.
- Green square: Computer is on and ready for you.
- Grey circle: Computer is offline or unavailable.
For full details on each station's specs and software, visit the Lab Applications page.
Teaching Labs
Galloway: CM-103, D-004, D-018, D-027, F-114, F-210, F-222 and G-108
Atlantic City: ACA1-213, ACA1-217, and ACA1-317
These computer labs are primarily used for teaching, and they are reserved most of
the day. There are times, however, when the room may be available to walk-in users
and anyone wishing to use these labs should check the posted schedule for available
General Purpose Labs
D-002 & D-026
These computer labs have access to the general software packages. There are, however,
certain labs that will run specialized software and other labs that are designed for
use as electronic classroom labs. Both specialized labs and electronic classroom labs
may be reserved by faculty, which will affect availability. Reservation schedules
are posted outside each lab.
Specialized Labs
AS-202, AS-203, AS-209, AS-210, AS-234, D-017, E-221, USC-245, USC-345
Some of the academic computing facilities are designed with specific usage. The labs
may have specialized equipment and/or software. Priority usage for these labs is designated
for specific programs of study.
Hammonton Kramer Hall Lab
Located on the second floor of the Hammonton Kramer Hall building, in room 205 (KH-205).
This is a teaching lab that's equipped with a podium, 24 workstations, and offers
access to both black & white and color printing. The lab's availability may vary based
on the buildings operating hours and pre-scheduled events, but the labs general availability
is as follows:
Mondays - 8:30am-8:00pm
Tuesdays , Wednesdays & Fridays - 8:30am-4:30pm
Thursdays - 8:30am-9:00pm
Residential Labs
Lakeside Lodge (LSC) and the Residential Life Center (TRLC)
Located at the Residential Life Center, Lakeside Center and Housing IV, these computer
labs are conveniently located near the dormitories and apartments. These labs are
also open 24-hours a day and 7 days a week during the fall and spring semesters. The
facilities are equipped with security cameras and monitored by Ä¢¹½¶ÌÊÓƵ's Police Department
for added security.
Kiosk Lab Computers
There are kiosk and non-scheduled work areas throughout campus. Most locations offer
computers, printers, and staplers for use while the facilities are open and the machines
are configured with a general offering of University owned applications.
Campus lab & kiosk map
Please see the map below for a list of every campus lab and kiosk location, along
with a brief description of available equipment available at each location. You can
view a more comprehensive list of all of our locations (Atlantic city, Hammonton,
Manahawkin, etc.) using the map .
Windows Applications:
MS Office 365 (Word, Excel, Access and PowerPoint), FireFox, Chrome and Edge (for
access to the Internet, Blackboard and other online services)
Special Course Applications:
IBM SPSS, ArcGIS, Matlab, Visual Analist, Adobe Creative Cloud, and Maple
Programming Applications:
BlueJ, Java Compiler, Visual Basic, Eclipse
For a complete list of all of the applciations that we have in our computer labs, please visit our lab application directory page below.
Course-Specific software
Software can be installed in the computer labs and electronic classroom podiums at the request of faculty and staff. Because of the high level of usage of lab facilities a two-week lead time is required for setup and deployment.
Academic Virtual Machines
Some applications are unable to be deployed to our lab computers, either for security implications associated with operating the application on the machine or due to the nature of the application and how it will function on the computer. To provide access to applications that we are unable to deploy to our computer labs, we can provide instructors with virtual machines in the classroom. More details about the process can be found on our request form below
Computer Lab Software Licensing Guidelines
Our labs must comply with the licensing terms and conditions specified by the software developer. It’s impossible to install applications that accompany textbooks or free trials without violating the licensing terms and conditions. As such, we’re unable to install free trials, temporary licenses, or textbook applications in the labs unless permission to do so is explicitly provided by the software developer.
Computer labs can be reserved by any faculty or staff of Ä¢¹½¶ÌÊÓƵ wishing to use the facilities for computer demonstrations. In order to accommodate the maximum number of requests we ask that individuals reserving the labs adhere to the Guidelines for the Reservation of Academic Computer Labs.
As a result of limited resources or because resources are sometimes bound to a particular lab (e.g., the multimedia lab where certain multimedia software and hardware are available) it is not always possible to accommodate all requests. However, every effort will be made to allocate resources carefully and equitably to balance reservations so they may serve both lecture and walk-in use. In the event of conflicting requests, the Office of Academic Affairs will make the final determination of how the resources will be used.
Guidelines for the Reservation of Academic Computer Labs
should be submitted to your division during the course scheduling process. received during this process will be scheduled first giving priority to requests that are consistent with a lab’s primary use. Requests received during the semester are scheduled on a first-come-first-serve basis around the existing reservations and at least two weeks notice is strongly recommended.
Computer labs are available for general use reservations with the following caveats:
- Lab reservations requiring the installation of software must be accompanied by a Software Installation Request Form (See "Lab Applications" drop-down above) at least two weeks in advance of the lab reservation.
- At times when the demand for general use computer labs exceeds availability, classes that meet three times a week should reserve a lab for up to two sessions per week. Classes that meet two times a week should reserve a lab for up to one session a week. Exceptions are determined by the Dean(s) of the School(s) affected.
Under extraordinary circumstances, other labs may be utilized for reservations with the following conditions:
- Approved through the Office of Academic Affairs.
- Lab reservations requiring the installation of software must be accompanied by a Software Installation Request Form (See below) at least two weeks in advance of the reservation.
To reserve a computer lab on a specific date and time, visit Ä¢¹½¶ÌÊÓƵ's tool.
Exam Proctoring in Labs
Labs and lab classrooms are equipped with an administrative instructional tool called LanSchool. LanSchool allows instructors to monitor, control, and disable functions and features of lab computers remotely. For more information, check out our LanSchool tech tip page. Lab computers are also equipped with the Respondus lockdown browser. For more info about how to use Respondus, please visit our Respondus getting started page.
Printing in Labs
For printing information, including printer points, see our On-Campus Printing page.
ITS Help Desk Student Workers
The Office of Information Technology Services provides support and training to students, faculty and staff in the use of computing facilities and additionally, supports faculty efforts to infuse technology into the curriculum. The Ä¢¹½¶ÌÊÓƵ ITS Help Desk employs student workers to augment our workforce. If interested, please apply at the link below. Please be aware, if a open position is not listed, we are not accepting applications at that time.