Washington Internship - Application Process
The Application Process
ĢƵ students applying for an internship should visit The Washington Center’s
Web site () and click on “Prospective Students.” One of the first steps is to create an account
on TWC Web site. The application process is online although hard copies of the transcript
and letters of recommendation can be submitted. Students should familiarize themselves
with the general details of the program; speak with their preceptor to discuss how
the 12 (or 16) credits may be allocated among program, cognate, or ASD graduation
requirements; carefully review whether they are financially prepared to assume the
costs of an internship in Washington, and meet with the Campus Liaison (Asst. Professor
Michael S. Rodriguez) before the application process is initiated.
The application packet includes the following items:
The application form. Students apply online through The Washington Center’s Web site (). On the homepage click on “Prospective Students,” and proceed to set up an account
before filling out any application forms.
- A current resume. Students should have the Career Services staff review their resumes before submitting them to The Washington Center. For assistance on developing a professional resume, students should call Career Services to set up an appointment for a one-on-one session. The office number is 609-652-4650.
- An official ĢƵ transcript. The Campus Liaison will obtain an official transcript from Student Records. Students must have at least a 2.75 GPA at the time the application is submitted to be accepted into the Washington Internship Program. If a student’s GPA is slightly below the minimum, an additional letter of recommendation is required (for a total of three). The critical difference is that as long as students meet the minimum GPA they are virtually assured of being accepted into the internship program. For students with GPAs below the minimum 2.75, the third letter is usually enough to ensure admission; however, there is the possibility that The Washington Center will reject their applications.
- Two essays. These are probably the most important and time-consuming items of the application packet. Prospective students are required to write two essays.
- The first one (500 words) covers an issue of interest to the applicant. The essay is an opinion or reflection piece that demonstrates a student’s ability to think clearly, write cogently, and formulate a reasonably coherent argument. The essay should be a topic with which the student is generally familiar and it should relate to a student’s area of interest for an internship in D.C. For example, a biology major who is interested in a research-based internship may write about the ongoing debate, and controversy, on public funding of stem cell research. The 500-word essay is not a research paper, though a cursory review of a few news articles may be helpful in developing a more informed essay.
- The second essay (100 words) is a very short description of the type of internship work a student envisions, and how it relates to the student’s broader educational and professional aspirations. It is very important for students not to mention that they want an internship at a specific place. A number of prospective employers will read a student’s application. It is important for students to not give the impression that they are interested in only one potential internship placement.
- ~Both essays are reviewed by the Campus Liaison and returned for revision, if necessary. These essays must not be posted online until the Campus Liaison approves them.
- Two letters of recommendation. Students need to identify two individuals to write strong letters of recommendation. At least one recommender must be a current or former professor. The second letter can also be from a professor, but many students ask individuals who have supervised them in an employment setting. Students cannot ask fellow students for a letter of recommendation. The application has a form that students must download and give to their recommenders. In addition to filling out that form, recommenders must also write a separate letter on their institution’s letterhead.
There is a non-refundable $60 application fee. Submitting an application to The Washington
Center does not mean that a student is “locked” into going to Washington. If circumstances
arise that preclude a student from accepting an internship offer, the application
can be withdrawn. If a student applies and subsequently withdraws his/her application,
the $60 fee will not be reimbursed.