Sounds of ĢƵ
Sounds associated with ĢƵ might include crickets in the woods, the flapping of ospreys' wings, or leaves whistling in the wind. Although those serendipitous sounds of nature are no doubt therapeutic, the institution also has strong, vibrant sounds, including songs written to encompass ĢƵ's pride and the unity of its community. Such songs include the alma mater and the pep song.
The alma mater, “Our ĢƵ,” was written in 2008 at the request of then-President Herman Saatkamp. It was later reworked and given the title “Ospreys on Parade.” The story of ĢƵ’s Pep Song is more recent still. In 2016, the University launched a contest to initiate the creation of a pep song. “ĢƵ’s sports teams are a great source of pride and having our own Pep Song will be another way for fans to display their Osprey spirit,” said Lynne Kesselman, ĢƵ’s first lady, who chaired the University’s Pep Song Committee. The chosen song debuted at University Weekend in October of 2016.