Terrapin Turtle Mortality Reduction Overview
Terrapins are found only in salt marshes along the Atlantic and Gulf coasts of the
United States. The diamondback terrapin is classified as a Species of Special Concern
in New Jersey. When nesting, terrapins attempt to reach a suitable location for laying
eggs above the high tide elevation. For well over a century, terrapins (the only turtle
species adapted to life in the brackish waters of coastal salt marshes) have been
adversely affected by a variety of human activities. Over hunting has dramatically
reduced populations along many parts of New Jersey coast. By the late 1960s, terrapin
populations recovered to levels approaching their former abundance, but continuing
coastal development has led to considerable habitat destruction, especially of traditional
nesting sites on barrier islands and back bay beaches. Along the Atlantic coast of
New Jersey, the search for alternative nesting sites on highway embankments has resulted
in large numbers of road-kills every nesting season.
The Ä¢¹½¶ÌÊÓƵ University Coastal Research Center, in partnership with the Wetlands Institute (PI) and Ocean and Coastal Consultants
Inc., has developed a research project funded by the "I BOAT NJ" that will identify
locations that are suitable for restoration and enhancement of diamondback terrapin
turtle nesting habitats with an emphasis on beneficial use of dredged material.
Priority areas for terrapin habitat restoration and mortality reduction will be identified
using spatial analysis techniques (GIS and remote-sensing) and field visits. Subsequent
habitat restoration projects will also be identified. In addition, an ad hoc program
will be established that offers design and permitting assistance to marinas interested
in incorporating the goals of this project.
The file below will open Google Earth to display mortality "hot spots" of Terrapins
Terrapin Turtle Mortality Hot Spots
The project will run 1½ years and will focus on Atlantic and Cape May Counties, where
a large number of causeways connect the mainland to barrier islands. The intent of
this project is to provide an opportunity to enhance terrapin habitat, reduce turtle
mortality, expand beneficial uses of dredged material in the State, and improve boating
through increased dredged material capacity and forging new partnerships between public,
nonprofit and government entities. The implementation and maintenance of a regional
dredged material management program is an important goal for the State of New Jersey.